Today I found out that I have a real tough time spelling the word "villain". Learn something new every day. Anyway, what's going on with this whole #FireFauci thing on Twitter? Apparently a video from him in February saying people can still go about their normal day is enough for Twitter to call for his job. Are the days so long now that we've forgotten a mere month ago how quickly things escalated? One day we shaking hands and kissing babies, the next night the NBA was cancelled. Let's pump the brakes on the good doctor.
I need to point out that this is not a political post. I don't care about any of that shit. I'm not a Republican or Democrat or anything else for that matter. I'm more of a political atheist. Well, no that's not completely correct. I'm not one of those crazies who believes in no government. Political agnostic maybe? I don't know what the fuck is going on in politics so I just don't pay it any mind. So if you think I'm writing this to support the ideals of any political party, you're a wrong idiot.
I heard Patrice O'Neal one time talking about racism in the Jewish community and how they handled things correctly. Stick with me, I promise I'm making a point. Patrice says that Jews don't hate all Germans or all Egyptians. They only hate Hitler and Pharaoh. By attaching a singular person to something so hated, it gives masses of people the ability to move on. If you're upset about the lack of progress with Covid-19 and you're told it's Dr. Fauci's fault, then you'll see his removal as progress. I'm asking you to reconsider.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. 1984! He was still director when Ghostbusters first aired in theaters. This man went 12 rounds with fucking AIDS itself. Not to mention his leading contributions in SARS, Swine Flu, and Ebola. Fauci has been a presidential aid to every president since Reagan. Don't pull the rug out because your'e scared of something you don't understand.
All I'm saying is I don't think this guy is just dicking around in a lab somewhere, collecting a paycheck. You have no idea what Fauci does on a day to day basement. I have no clue either, but I'll put my faith in the man who's been director for the last 36 years. Stop tweeting #FireFauci because you want something to be mad at. Don't make a sacrificial lamb out of the one American we should be trusting most with this issue. Keep doing your thing old man.
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