Sunday, April 12, 2020

Do The Right Thing, Get Divorced When Your Kids Are Young

Estate Planning Documents to Update During a Divorce

The modern adage "We're staying together for the kids" is the biggest crock of shit out there. You're staying together cause you're hoping romance will magically resurrect itself (little Easter joke). Take my word for it, you aren't doing your kids any favors. Pull the trigger.

My parents got separated eight months ago. I'm not sad or heartbroken, I just find the whole thing extremely annoying. I much rather they would have made me one of those kids in the fourth grade that was picked on because their parents didn't love each other anymore. Instead, I'm suddenly a marriage counselor/divorce mediator. You don't have to worry about that shit when you're little. Kids get the "Mommy and daddy still love each other very much, but things aren't working out" speech. Not the "Every time they walk into the kitchen I just want to throw my cereal at their head" speech. You don't get the G rated version when your my age.

When I was around 16 my parents were on my ass about cleaning out my grandparents basement. My grandparents said they didn't give a shit and I was 16, so I constantly put it off. For like months. Then one day Grandma and Grandpa's basement flooded. I had to haul everything out waterlogged and smelling like the creek at the end of the street. I remember thinking to myself "Why didn't I just do this when I was supposed to. Now I'm stuck with all this extra shit". That's how I feel about this divorce. I wish it would've been done fifteen years ago, so nobody gave a shit about it by now.

What's so bad about growing up in a broken family anyway? You aren't losing a parent, you still have two of them. On top of that, you now have two bedrooms, two Xboxes, two sets of clothes, two fucking Christmases! Do you know what you get for the holidays when mom and dad get divorced in your late twenties? You get to choose who's heart to rip out when you spend it with the other parent. Getting a "First time in twenty-seven years we didn't have dinner together on New Year's Eve" text from your mom is an awesome way to start off the new decade. Today, on Easter, my dad guilted me for not going to the cemetery to visit my Nan...while I was taking a shit. "Nan got big plans today does she? I think she'll still be there whenever I get to it. Oh and by the way, I'm going to mom's today."

Fucking everyone is divorced, don't pretend like you're shielding kids from some unspoken taboo. If you're young and divorced with kids, good on ya. If you're not so young and you're holding out, stop lying to yourself and using your children as an excuse. Happy Easter!    

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