News is flooding in from the blue check marks that Kim Jong Un is possibly brain dead due to complications from heart surgery. If it's from Covid, China's going to be in a world of shit. That's all the politics I'm going to speak on the situation because I don't know shit. I'm not quite sure what to say here. I don't think T's and P's are appropriate but I don't want to speak out against him either and wind up with acid face. He may look like he has the hair of a Tik Tok boy but this man is up to date on his shitlist. I don't plan on ending up on that list if Kimmy's pulling the ol switcheroo just to see who would talk shit. I've said "shit" so many times that I'm starting to resemble Jim Lahey.
Besides worrying about the fallout for who would rule North Korea, the two I'm immediately worried for is that surgeon and Dennis Rodman. If the reports are true, that surgeon is the most dead person in the history of dead people. There will be songs written about his execution. Poor Rodman. This was supposed to be a happy time for him with his name back in the limelight for the Jordan documentary. I imagine he won't even be able to enjoy The Last Dance while his best friend is possibly turning into a vegetable. Honest thoughts and prayers to Dennis Rodman and the good doctor.
Hold your breath folks because the world is about to get even worse with conflict. Or better? I don't know the inner workings of international politics but I have a feeling shit's about to get weird.
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