People are being furloughed left and right. The country is in a panic, and rightfully so. The companies that the people have put their heart and soul into have abandoned them in their hour of need. The working class has lost all trust in the executives of the world. Do you know what would cement a company as the public's beacon of hope? Hiring someone right now.
Whoever hires right now is just a straight up baller. While the rest of the competition is trembling, you're making moves and betting on your future. It'd be a declaration that you aren't going anywhere. Last night I saw a Domino's commercial detailing how they're doing their part in creating jobs by hiring during the Covid pandemic. Do you know who's still doing alright? Domino's. Do you know what I ordered for dinner last night? Domino's.
Now that I think of it, what would be a better hire than one of the people working on the frontline right now? What a heartwarming story. I could see the headlines now "Sports Company Makes The Dreams Come True For One Lucky Frontliner". Said frontliner could probably even swing both jobs until all of this is over. Man, that would be some good press, "Sports Blogger Doubles As Local Hero During Our Nation's Crisis". Damn, that would be such a baller move if a company did that. Sleep on it. Slide into the direct messages if anything has been up to par, Carpe DMs.
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