Maybe my favorite line in literature is the opening to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy when Douglas Adams writes, "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.". It's cheeky lines like this that makes me love reading the Adams, Prachetts, and Vonneguts of the world. They have a simple way of depicting our massive man-made boundaries as small and insignificant. If you compare our ridiculous notions of identity to a scale as large as say, the Universe, then Earth only has one people, one race- humanity.
In science fiction there's this idea that we're being watched by civilized alien races, to see if we are evolved enough as a species to join their Intergalactic UN. I can't think of any specific examples but just fucking trust me, it's there. Guardians of the Galaxy maybe? I don't know but aliens have to be watching us, otherwise what the heck is going on at Area 51. I need to live to the point where we join a cool alien galaxy.
They may even be secretly keeping us from extinction to see if we qualify as a functioning member of the galaxy. Like in the opening scene for Star Trek: Into The Darkness. While being chased by the indigenous life on an unknown plant, Spock says to Captain Kirk "The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations.". That's us. We need to hurry the fuck up and develop.
Under the microscope of a superior civilization looking down, Earth has been graded a big fat F for 2020. America in particular. I don't know if you remember, but we bombed somebody this year. Couple acts of war with failing to cooperate in a global pandemic and racial injustices to the point of riots, and you got yourself a report card that will not be going on the refrigerator. We have proven that we're so far incapable of being a model species. At this rate, I'll never meet an alien.
Of course the alternative is that the aliens attack. Would that work? Could a common enemy unite us? Would you turn your back on your fellow Earthling based off the color of their skin if we were being hunted by aliens with no skin? Ya know like, exoskeletons and stuff. There's a saying that there's no atheists in foxholes, I imagine there's no racists in an alien invasion.
I don't mean to minimize real-life issues with my fantasies of an expanded universe. I just wanted to take a step back, like a giant off-the-planet step, and get an outside the atmosphere perspective. I have to tell you, my findings are silly. We're all one people who have varied pigments based off the skin evolving to adapt to the geographical climate that your original tribe accidentally migrated to. If you treat someone differently because of that, you're an asshole.
So if you have no God, or moral conscience, or anything else that's supposed to make you act like a better human, I beg you to consider the aliens. They're watching, and maybe if we behave they'll take us to new worlds full of wonder. I know that's what we all want, I saw that fucking Milonakis tweet.
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