Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I Couldn't Agree Less With This Viral Tweet

Should I have said "Couldn't Disagree More" in the title? Doesn't matter now, this tweet is very mean. My level of criticism has nothing to do with cup size. I think we need to be more encouraging as a society. Keep going Humble Girl, you're doing great. 

I listened to the performance many times, to get a good feel for the acoustics of course. I actually think people are being too harsh on account of her big boobs. Twitter has a way of leveling things out. Maybe people are overcompensating with insults to offset the amount of compliments Humble Girl is used to receiving. I'm just going to say it, she's not a bad singer. 

I don't think she can make a career out it, but she is probably in her local choir. And they don't just let anybody in those things, trust me I've tried. Humble Girl has an impressive range of notes. I think she just needs a few pointers. Like just because you can hit different notes doesn't mean you have to change pitch every other line. So she's not an entertainer, big whoop. 

All in all, C+ car recital. She definitely butchered the song but it wasn't because of her voice. It was her over confidence and lack of self awareness that did her in. Oh and she needs to fix the whole "Gase Eyes" thing she has going on. Definitely some potential if she posts new videos with better songs choices. So everyone ease up on Humble Girl, she's giving it her chest, I mean best. 

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