Wednesday, June 10, 2020

UCF Catches Ricochet Shot From Former Bama RB

Sorry the picture is ginormous, it was too blurry literally one size down. Anyway, whenever the conversation comes up about choosing a college to attend I always try to encourage the younger folk to pick a big school. More specifically, a big sports program. Going to Alabama was awesome because someone who was in your Stats class one year could be on your fantasy team the next. Becoming an alumni of a big school keeps you invested after you graduate. Once in awhile you stumble upon gold like this that brings you right back to campus. 

Damien Harris, current Patriots running back, confirmed this story on his own Twitter. 2017 was such a fun time to pick on UCF. I wanna give UCF a playful noogie, most Alabama fans treated their claim as "cute". It was like when your mom used to force you to let your little sibling play and everyone shouted "DC!" before their at-bat. You let them hit an inside the parker to feel good about themselves and then have them fuck off. Much like claiming you're superior to an Alabama team who beat Clemson 24-6 and then Georgia with their backup QB because your squad beat Memphis and USF. Roll Tide.

Go to a mammoth school. Get out of your little corner of the world while you still can. Years later you'll still bother people for talking about it but they can all eat shit. 

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