We're all aware that there is different types of Twitter. Black twitter has been king for quite some time and they're on an absolute heater right now with this Beethoven thing. White Twitter is lame, my Spanish stinks so Latino Twitter is out, and Asian Twitter is just K-Pop and I really don't understand what that is. My people, the Scottish, are making a push for the Twitter crown. Before you say it, yes, it is different from White Twitter because it just is.
Full disclosure my mom was born in Scotland so I may be biased on the humor. Due to my heritage, I'm fully fluent in Scottish. By fluent I mean I can understand them when they speak English WITHOUT subtitles. That, and I can decipher their butchering of the language in written form. For example:
Translation: "Just seen a woman yelling at her child to put his pants on then pointed to me and said 'look that man is going to steal your penis' What the fuck no I'm not."
Or their killer insults.
Translation: "My mom yelled at us for 'using to much toilet paper' well I'll just leave my ass caked in shit to save you an extra $1.87 you fucking weapon."
Who even thinks of calling someone a weapon? If you're like me and can easily convince yourself of your superior intelligence by interpreting these Tweets on your own, then here's a couple of favorites to try out.
This was an introduction course. The videos are probably even funnier, but most of them don't have subtitles. So practice your Scottish Tweets and next time we'll try videos.
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