Giving things 100% has never really been my strong suit. For the past year I've been just donating $15 a month to my gym. My health has been the biggest casualty to my half-assed lifestyle. I live in the mindset of, hey I did something healthy before so now I can do whatever unhealthy thing is in front of me. Is that good a way to live? Probably not, but at least I haven't given up completely.
I went for a walk the other day because apparently 28 is the new 40. I've been telling myself for awhile that I'm going to start running again. Problem was, every time I imagined running, I convinced myself to do something more fun. Running sucks. Worst invention of all time. So I said fuck it, and went for a walk.
Walks are surprisingly not that bad. I felt a bit like a divorcee looking to get herself back out there though. Luckily I was able to hide myself on the Henry Hudson trail. I listened to a podcast without my headphones falling out. I wore sunglasses that didn't bounce around. I carried a water bottle without it feeling like I was shaking up a margarita. Then I walked almost ten miles and laughed at the podcast I was playing. All while getting side-eyed glances from the actual divorcees.
Plus I saw Christie from the last season of Big Brother on the trail. I love Big Brother. There's no more story to it, I didn't say hi or anything. This really doesn't add to my point at all, it's just a random fact that I figured I'd share.
There was a time when I was running close to five miles a day. So yeah, it was a bit disheartening when I got back to my house and my knees hurt. The only thing that matters is that you've convinced yourself you did something healthy. A technique which I have mastered. This stroll will clean my conscience for at least a couple of days. Was it counter-productive to eat a burger and fries after my walk? Absolutely. But it's better than eating a burger without walking at all. Right?
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