A few years back I bought a PS4 strictly to play MLB The Show. To be honest it wasn't worth it and it started to bother me. So I started playing a select few one-player games to justify my purchase. Spiderman and God of War were both dope. Far Cry, meh. But my favorite game was the remastered version of The Last Of Us, a 2013 zombie game. Normally I'm not a big zombie guy, but this game was so well done that it feels like you're playing a movie. Seven longs years later, the sequel has dropped.
A non spoiler description in one sentence. A revenge game set in a post-apocalyptic zombie America. Now I'm no video game savant, so if you're looking for an in depth review on logistics and gameplay you've come to the wrong place. What I will tell you is that this game is just as aesthetically pleasing and the storyline just as engaging as the first one. And probably more gruesome, which is saying something. Sure, Zombies are a crucial part of the game, but it's the interactions with humans that'll fuck you up.
Let's get to the negatives, or negative I should say. I only have one problem with the game. The main protagonist in the sequel is Ellie, who was like 12 in the original. You save her little life in the first game. It's revealed that Ellie is immune and is the only reported person of her kind. Creating a cure from her blood would kill her. Whoops, spoilers*. She's all grown up now and you have to play through her sexual relationship. Now I'm a grown up, I know I had no real attachment to that little girl and that she's not even a real person, but I found myself bit uncomfortable. Put it this way, D'Elia would've loved it.
Other than that, it's a really good game. I get sad thinking about how I'm going to beat it soon and not be able to play anymore. If you like scary movies, it's pretty spooky. I've had nine mini heart attacks from zombie ambushes. Definitely not recommended for a guy of my stature and blood pressure, but I persevere for Ellie's sake.
I'm not rooting for the end of the world, but this game is certainly preparing me for it. My trust in humanity is at an all time low, which is exactly where it needs to be if we're heading towards Armageddon. Today while I was playing, I had to venture off with a one armed 14 year old and when she couldn't climb something I screamed at my TV, "You're going to be a FUCKING liability aren't you?!". I think that means I have what it takes for survival.
Well that's my review. I guess you can call it a review, I've never reviewed anything before. Pretty weird to review something you haven't even finished yet. I've done this all wrong. Just play the fucking game, you won't regret it. Remember how I said it's like playing a movie? HBO picked it up to make it a show. Yes you can just wait to watch the show if you want, but it's more fun to be that snob that goes "Well in the game they did it this way...".
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