I'm over Trevor Bauer. For the record, this had nothing to do with the argument he had with Aubrey Huff today. I was planning on writing this blog before their little squabble. Bauer likes to act like he's this morally superior superhuman because he knows big words and flies a drone. It was cool at first to see a player to act like themselves and not feel the need to hide their personality over fear of organizational backlash. Once that wore off though, I found his personality annoying.
Like this Twitter beef today. Aubrey Huff is a moron, he needs to be punched in the face. Everybody knows that. All Bauer had to say was "Shut up Aubrey you idiot", and he would have won in a landslide. But Trevor just can't shake that Messiah complex of his. He tried using logic to fend off Aubrey Huff like a dumbass. You can't expect facts to win an argument against someone who calls you a sugar-titted cuck with low T and no rings who jerks off to analytics. Congratulations, now you lost sugar tits. Also for the record, Hubbs blogged this argument today and had little blurbs about how funny Huff's jabs were and then said Bauer won the fight which doesn't make any sense. Lot of things on the record today.
Where Bauer lost me was the nonstop ranting about owners and the state of baseball. To be honest he wasn't necessarily wrong, but he just kept saying the same thing over and over again. Which would have been fine if it brought about change, but it didn't. And he still hasn't shut up. Trevor's just whining at this point.
I just feel like every baseball fan feels this obligation to like Trevor Bauer. Well I don't. Fuck him. I know Trevor Bauer doesn't give a shit about what I have to say but I'd like him to know that the feeling is mutual at this point.
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