Father's Day might be this weekend or the next. I honestly have no idea. All I know is I have to underwhelm my father yet again with another shitty gift. My dad's birthday and Father's Day are a few weeks apart and he's really tough to buy for. I pride myself on gift giving so this time of year always pisses me off. Because his gift is way more about me than it is him. So when can I stop tormenting myself like this? When can I stop buying my dad Father's Day gifts?
I ask this question as a son, of course, because I think you always buy for your parent of the opposite sex. I'll never stop getting my mom gifts. But I have no point of reference in my family for son/dad gift giving. My mom's dad had three girls so, no luck there. And my dad's dad died when he was fourteen, so thanks a lot. Is it when you become a father yourself that you stop buying your own dad a gift? Honestly that might be worth the price of admission at this point.
My go to is normally a Yankee game. Fuck me right. For his birthday this year I got him an air fryer because he's been getting really into cooking during the pandemic. He loved it. Here we are a few short weeks later and I realized ahhhh shit I have to do that again. Problem is, I really blew my load too early on that first gift. Ew, sorry Dad.
I'm down to two options. Get him a gift card like an asshole and have him look at me as a shitty son. OR I don't get him anything and wait until he says something so I can say "You're a bit old for presents, don't you think?" and hope he respects me as a man.
.....Yeah yeah yeah, I reread what I wrote. I'll get him the damn gift card.
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