This blog is not going to be a proclamation of my stance on Bryan Adam's tweets. So if you were looking for me to bash or support him, I'm sorry you've come to the wrong place. This is more of a philosophical question that I don't have an answer to. Do I have to hate Bryan Adams?
A few years back I used to work as concert security for PNC Arts Center. After proving that I could be both a ruffian and a professional they started assigning me to backstage details. The first time I actually worked the catacombs of the dressing rooms was for Bryan Adams. I was nervous as shit. I was positioned right outside his room, like anybody could possibly get there, and had to walk him up to stage with his entourage when he was ready to go. I stood there like a jackass for hours, no phone no nothing. My feet hurt and I was bored out of my mind. I tried eavesdropping to entertain myself but I couldn't make anything out. All of a sudden the door opened and I scared the shit out of Bryan Adams, he didn't expect me to be standing right outside his door. I was standing at attention and staring at the wall like a fucking robot. I was maybe 22. He said hello and I replied "Hello Mr. Adams" like a fucking dork. He laughed and clasped my shoulder. Bryan Adams told me to relax a bit and asked me my name. After pleasantries, I told him I was looking forward to hearing him perform. He asked if I was a fan and I told him to be honest I really only knew the hits but that he sung my parents wedding song. My parents were obviously married in the 80's. He said that he was honored and told me to enjoy the show. I told my parent's how cool a guy Bryan Adams was and how he made me feel like we were old pals when I was basically shitting my pants.
Fast forward to yesterday. Bryan Adams tweeted this:
Yeesh. I know. Real bad look for my buddy Bryan. The internet is dragging him. Somebody wrote that the Summer of 69 was when he formed his opinion on race or something like that, I don't really remember. Fucking brutal burn though. I'm not going to get into the politics of what he said but I will say I disagree with it. I think most people can agree it was just a fucking dumb thing to tweet. Plus my parents got divorced so his wedding song wasn't exactly good luck.
Do I have to hate Bryan Adams? Was he just heated his tour was canceled? Was it a rough attempt at a joke? Do either of those reasons excuse the tweet? Once the internet hates someone you're just supposed to fall in line. But I met the guy, albeit briefly, and I thought he was a good dude. Truth is, I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel about Bryan Adams. But I did play Summer of 69 while writing this, and what I do know is that song still slaps.
*Editing Note: I just now read Bryan Adam's apology and he spun it by saying he was speaking out against against animal cruelty and was promoting going vegan. Genius. Fucking knew I liked this guy. My intuition is never wrong.
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