Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Joe Rogan In My Experience

PowerfulJRE - YouTube

I was introduced to Joe Rogan like most of us had been, religiously watching Fear Factor. Besides maybe Probst, he was my favorite TV host. I knew he was going places when he laid out his idea for "smellevision", a TV that added another sense. Next time I saw Joe he was ringside at the octagon calling fights for the UFC. When I got into the UFC and noticed him for the first time I did that Leo pointing meme in recognition of one of my childhood heroes. Today, Joe Rogan is everywhere and he just inked a $100 million Spotify contract for his podcast. 

If you don't know what The Joe Rogan Experience is, how the fuck did you even find my blog. I love Joe Rogan, I don't like his podcast. I understand that there is eight million or so people that would disagree with me on that but, fuck em. I think Joe is a master at extorting these amazing stories from guests that otherwise might have been tight lipped. He is obviously very very talented, it just isn't my cup of tea. 

I've heard and watched clips here and there but I only listened to one episode in it's entirety. The Bob Lazar episode. Real quick if you don't know, Bob Lazar claims to have worked for Area 51 and personally attempted to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft. I fucking love aliens. I listened, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but hated that it was two and a half fuggin hours long. It was exhausting. For days nothing real seemed like it mattered anymore. There was fucking aliens out there and people knew about it! I tried listening again to a different episode and it was just as fantastical as the Lazar story. The idea that everything in the world is a conspiracy just turned me off. I just refuse to believe that literally everything we know is fake. Plus I don't do drugs, so I opted out of the experience. 

My real main issue with Rogan's podcast is that it makes each of his listeners think they're just as smart as Joe Rogan. Spoiler, they aren't, they're just dorks. Have you ever been at a bar and then somebody starts talking about literal black holes that are going to suck humanity into nothingness when you're just trying to get a frozen margarita? That's a Joe Rogan fan. Have you ever been having a good conversation with someone and then they say "Yeah in Joe Rogan's last podcast..." and then they just trail off cause you're in your own head like, fuck somebody get me the hell out of here? Me too. Ignorance is bliss, and if you don't agree with me, you'd probably be really good friends with my therapist. 

I know I know, I'm a sheep. But jokes on you cause sheep have pretty dope lives considering. I'm just scared of the "we believe everything" crowd that The Joe Rogan Experience has created. I'd much rather be with the "we believe nothing" crowd. Or am I the one that believes everything the government feeds me and they are the ones who believe nothing? Fuck! See what Joe Rogan does to me! 

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