Before I even start this blog I need you to know those aren't my fingers. I found the picture on Google. That guy should be in jail. His fingers look like the first night Kane took his mask off. Absolutely terrifying. Now that I've gotten in front of that, I bit my fingernail too short.
It was the thumb. The second I started the peel I knew I had went too deep. I couldn't even finish it with the bite. It was just hanging there, burning, so I had to finish it off with the old pinch and pull. My thumb blew up like a tick. It had it's own heartbeat and everything. Pulsed throughout the rest of that first day.
I don't know if there is some type of medicine I could've taken to prevent what happened next, but I wish I had. I don't take medicine. It's not to be a tough guy, I think I'm actually too lazy to take medication which is a breakthrough that I just had while typing out this sentence. Jesus. Whenever something on me is hurt or bleeding I just stick it in my mouth. Like a four year old. Especially now, I know that I shouldn't be putting my fingers in my mouth but it's just an instinct. I'm working on limiting the amount of things I put in my mouth. Not like that, sicko.
I knew I probably wouldn't be able to recognize myself after this quarantine but I never imagined it would start with my thumb. The second day was way worse. My thumb grew a little thumb off the side of it. It's this alien puss pocket that won't stop throbbing. Or burning. If you're the queasy type skip to the last paragraph.
I've become addicted to popping this puss sack that formed from biting my nail too short. It probably doesn't help the healing process but it gives me relief in my thumb for about a minute. I can't stop. It's like when you scratch a mosquito bite until it bleeds. You know you just made things worse but those few yielding seconds are pure bliss. Plus I really enjoy those pimple popping videos and this is like a live show. The first "pop" was a real squirter and I'm not entirely sure where it landed. It was unnerving, sure, but not enough to teach me my lesson.
My thumb is a shell of it's old self. Literally. It's like this white hardened skin now that I can move around. I think I'm mutating. I know that people around the world right now are suffering and dying and a lot of other stuff too. But that doesn't make my finger hurt any less. So once you're done clapping for the nurses if you can remember to say a prayer for my thumb that would be much appreciated.
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