Sunday, May 3, 2020

Do Lives Matter?

Nothing you think matters matters!! : rickandmorty

All Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, Do Lives Matter? Damn, 2020 Dr. Seuss. I don't choose any slogan, because I don't think anybody really cares. What's the saying? If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything? I love laying, can't I just do that? I say if you stand for nothing, enjoy laying down. 

Today "Blue Lives Matter" was trending and I clicked to make sure there wasn't a violent murdering of police. Not that I could do anything about it, but I wanted to know. Turns out it was trending because of a video of white people yelling at cops protesting the quarantine. Everyone was making the same "It's only Blue Lives Matter until they violate white people's rights" joke. Which, first of all, if you look at the video it's very clear that this crowd has never been the Blue Lives Matter type. Take a look at their haircuts, dead giveaway. Plus they didn't have the right fit.

Most people would probably assume I'm a Blue Lives Matter guy. I'm not, all causes annoy me equally. Blue Lives Matter people creep me out. Like the people who fly the Blue Line flag without being a police officer give me the creeps. Even cops who have that flag, like, chill out dude. Are you aware how uncomfortable it is to have a random stranger come up to you and say "I think your life matters"? Wtf, get away from me weirdo? I never knew my life mattering was in question until everyone started stating it. 

Do we really think any lives matter though? How quickly does your life go back to normal after you hear the news of another mass shooting. Obviously, the same can't be said for the victims or their families, but how long did you linger on the last shooting? Do you even know who or where the last active shooter was? 

Last time I told someone about a shooting spree they said, "Like an active shooter?". Like they needed a prerequisite to know how much pretending to do. If it wasn't happening at that exact moment, it was already old news. If they already missed the twitter thread of posting how much they cared, then what's even the point? Remember when the President used to have a press conference after mass shootings? Now it just spends one day as the number one trend on Twitter. That's how we memorialize victims today. Why? Because we've actually stopped caring about lives. 

YOLOing this quarantine really hammers home that we don't care about anybody but ourselves. I'm not criticizing, I'm just calling it how I see it. People are marching on government buildings because they haven't gotten a haircut in a month. Neither have I, I look Amish- and not in a hot way. But every time there's protest we have to decide who's life matters in the situation. Clearly Old Lives Matter isn't doing too hot. There is only one answer to who's life matters. Black cops. They fall under All Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, and Blue Lives matter. Their lives matter more than anybody else's on earth. 

p.s.- If I had to choose a winner, it'd have to be the Black Lives Matter movement. Originality alone gives them the edge. Everybody kind of swagger jacked them after that first sign. Plus it's a hilarious troll move. I know that's not it's intended use, but it's always funny to see how much it riles up the old white folks. 

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