Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Most Famous Unboxings In History

What are some good YouTube unboxing ideas? - Quora

Throughout human history, people have been fascinated with the contents of boxes. Where did they come from? What's inside them? The possibilities are endless. With an unboxing, a box ceases to be a box, and becomes an opportunity. How many amazing boxes are there that remained unopened? I don't know, but here are the most famous unboxings that we know of. 

8. Se7en 
"WHAT'S IN THE FUCKING BOX?!" You've probably seen that memed out before. But do you know what was inside the box? It was Brad Pitt's dead pregnant wife's head. Kevin Spacey did it, cause like, no duh. Spacey's a weirdo. 

7. Houdini
Prominent Hungarian magician, Harry Houdini, became famous for putting himself in boxes. In 1912 he had police handcuff him, shackle his ankles, put him in a box and lower it into the East River. When the box resurfaced the only thing inside was Houdini's manacles. He survived that of course. He didn't survive getting punched in the stomach by a frat bro though. 

6. Roddy Rich
In late February 2020, rapper Roddy Rich busted all the bales out the box. He then hit a lick with the box. When all was said and done, Roddy Rich had to put the stick in the box. Astonishing. 

5. King Tut
The two most British names of all time Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon are credited with discovering King Tut. They searched Egypt's Valley of King's for the young pharaoh's final resting place for fifteen years before finally unboxing him in 1922. Excavati- I mean, unboxing revealed the first Egyptian royal to be untouched in nearly 3,000 years. Tut's mummified body was buried with about 150 pieces of gold. His murder autopsy was global news. The unboxer, Lord Carnarvon, died shortly after the sarcophagus was opened. Bet you thought Brendan Fraser was making all that shit up.  

4. Chaz Bono
Chaz Bono is the son of Sonny Bono and Cher. You know, I got you babe, those ones. Chaz, born Chastity Bono, originally identified as a lesbian when first outed by tabloids in the 90's. Between 2008 and 2010 Chastity unboxed and became Chaz. Bono's unboxing got a feature on Entertainment Tonight, Oprah, and it's own Sundance film. Chaz helped destroy the Hollywood taboo and paved the way for the transgender community living in the limelight. 

3. 2001 Anthrax Attacks
Not a happy one, but still very much famous. Sorry I don't make the rules. Anthrax is a gross disease that eats your skin off. This lunatic Bruce Ivins was mailing anthrax to be unboxed in major media and senator's offices. It sent the nation into a frenzy when two people died and seventeen were infected. Ivins would send the anthrax through the mail in white powder form with letters that said things like "Death to America". He was a microbiologist, vaccinologist, and biodefense researcher for the US Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Ivins was basically evil Fauci. He's dead now though. Overdosed when he felt the heat coming on. 

2. Dave Portnoy
During the 2020 Covid Pandemic, millionaire founder of Barstool Sports, Dave Portnoy, started doing his beloved pizza reviews from home. In a big oopsie, his home address was leaked during one of his videos. Portnoy could've been murdered. Instead, he was boxed to death. Dave was able to convince thousands upon thousands of people to send him free shit. A stroke of genius really. The senders big pay off? Dave unboxes what they send him live. It's hilarious, it's weird, it's dangerous, and it's going to end up charitable since the philanthropist announced he will be donating the items he's received for Coronavirus relief. 

1. Jesus Of Nazareth 
When that big ass rock was rolled away and Jesus' tomb was unboxed, everybody was all "No fucking way". Jesus' unboxing is so famous that people still gather on Sundays 2,000 years later to talk about it like, "You remember that shit Jesus did?". We paint eggs and eat candy because of his unboxing. What year is it? Oh 2020? That's right it's been 2,020 years since the Jesus of Nazareth's unboxing. Iconic. 


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