Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Pyramid Conspiracy Theories Are Very Mean

Conspiracy culture is so prevalent on social media that sometimes I forget the original conclusions even exist. Things that we read is history textbooks, completely disregarded. No path has gone more off course than the pyramids. 

Here take a quick look. Just searching pyramids on Tik Tok. Didn’t even have to add “conspiracies” to my search:

The top six out of seven pyramid videos on Tik Tok all have the same message - ain’t no fuckin way people made these things. Aliens, lizards, wiped out advanced civilizations, anything and anyone but the people who actually built them. We have gotten so far from the plot, that people actually use the word “impossible” to describe the pyramids like they’re not right fucking there proving their existence. 

Hands down, undisputed, the most impressive and astonishing thing ever built by our species. Suddenly, we’ve all collectively decided, “Nah ya didn’t.” Based on nothing better than, “That shits way too hard for you idiots”. I know this is hard given what we’ve been spoon-fed, but honestly imagine a world where it’s a proven fact that 4,500 years ago, humans not even in the same realm as us technology-wise built the pyramids. Because as it stands right now, that is a fact. Then sit there and think how shitty it is for us to be like “Fuck you guys, you didn’t build that.” 

The pyramids have been around for so long that every day some new mind warping fact like, “Cleopatra was born closer to the invention of the iPhone than the construction of the pyramids,” pops up on Twitter. They’re the only remaining Ancient Wonders Of The World. The Great Pyramids of Giza have defeated time. Humans did that. And I for one, would like to take the time now to congratulate them. Good job Egyptians, you crazy sons of bitches, you did it! 

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