Thursday, June 9, 2022

Man Suggests Ghosts Responsible For Lights in House While Covering For A Friend

Let’s just get it out of the way, yes, this was in Florida.  Jonathan Fowler displayed incredible loyalty and quick thinking when Polk County Sheriffs showed up at his doorstep with a warrant for April Gonzalez. Even going as far as blaming the paranormal for lights turning on and off in his house when he claimed no one else was inside. 

“Must have been termites…or earwigs. Ghosts, maybe.”

Look it’s not as bad as a defense as it might appear. The burden to prove that it WASN’T ghosts would be the prosecution. Prove that it wasn’t bitch. But honestly I think ghosts might be burying the lead here. Termites?! I’ve never met a termite but I highly doubt they have the arm strength to flick a light switch. 

I give April Gonzalez a 0 Madden Awareness rating. Obviously her and Fowler knew the cops were there, I’m sure someone shouted it out. You have to be on the same page. Turning off all the lights so patrols can’t see in the house is a good move. However, it immediately becomes the worst move when no one else is supposed to be there. 

“However, deputies said when they brought out one of their K9 deputies, Fowler admitted that Gonzalez was inside the home.” 

I’ll tell ya man, those fur missiles have a funny way of curing amnesia real quick. Nothing had changed, even with the dog the sheriffs still couldn’t get into the house. But the second they bring out the pup and get him all riled up, barking and drooling while holding him back, people tend to have a change of heart. 

One of two things happened when the K9 came out. Either he was scared shitless to the point that he stopped caring or he cared a whole lot more because he was holding and the dog was about to smell it. Better you than me. 

In classic Shakespearean tragedy fashion, Jonathan Folwer was arrested alongside of April Gonzalez for resisting an officer without violence. Free the commish. Tell Ghost Hunters to stand down, another false alarm. 

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