Sunday, April 25, 2021

Wait, So You Shouldn’t Bring Your Students To Strip Clubs?

A misconduct panel has found English computer teacher, Richard Glenn, guilty of gross misconduct for his actions as a chaperone during the school’s Costa Rica trip in 2019. Strip clubs are a right of passage in a young man’s life. I remember my older cousins bringing me for my first foggy, cherry blossom scented lap dance when I turned 18. Maybe Richard was that spirit guide for these boys. How bad could it have been? 

The findings from the BBC report are as follows:
“-Drinking with pupils

 - Allowing one or more pupils to drink alcohol despite being under the legal age of 18 

 - Threatening to ‘kick the head in’ of one pupil and ‘kill’ another

 - Telling one pupil: ‘I'm not in trouble - you'll be in trouble’

 - After being aggressive to one pupil, he kissed the boy's forehead and told him ‘you're all right’

- Taking one or more pupils to a strip club

- Acting aggressively towards the woman leading the trip when she tried to help him back to his tent

- Exposing himself to the woman in a shared hotel room, although it was agreed this was not ‘malicious or sexually motivated’”

Holy shit who is this guy, Randy Marsh? There is a lot to unpack here so let’s just go through each individual accusation. 

Drinking with pupils and some being underage. Meh. I mean, UK isn’t 21 to party like it is here. I’m pretty sure you can do heroin at 16 in London. Where we go a little overboard is moving the drinks to the strip club to get lappies with literal minors. 

Telling a student that you’re going to kill them or kick their head in definitely won’t win you educator of the year. Curb stomping a child in the streets is a good way to find yourself in a Costa Rican prison for the rest of your life. And despite popular belief, forehead kisses do not overturn terroristic threats charges. 
The only shining light here is his defense. There is just no arguing with “I’m not in trouble, you’re in trouble.” Shit is air tight. 
Where I thought they had Glenn dead to rights was the aggression towards his fellow chaperones. That last bit threw me for a loop though. But apparently there is a way to expose yourself to a woman without any malicious sexual intent? Only the English could find a way to politely flash their wieners. 
My guess is Richard Glenn was a victim of his own past. Let’s think about it for a second. Shockingly enough he isn’t a PE teacher. He teaches computer science. Nerd. Glenn probably didn’t have the best time in high school, so he has one too many tequila sunrises and sees a shot to redeem the glory days with the popular kids this time. We’ve all seen the coming of age movies, think Superbad, Dazed & Confused, etc. What happens to the nerds who finally make it to the big party? They get too fucked up and fight with each other. 
Glenn was banned from teaching for three years. Pretty lucky if you ask me. Probably should’ve been brought up on criminal charges but that’s a jurisdictional nightmare. Justice is served in shame in this case. I got my Sunday scaries on Friday this week and I thought those were bad. Mild compared to this. Imagine an 11 hour plane ride back to England knowing that all your co-workers, student’s parents, and family know that you abandoned your responsibilities to get drunk with a bunch of teenagers that you tried to fight in a strip club? Basically the death penalty. 

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