Monday, April 12, 2021

A Shitty Scottish Brother

Putting your sibling in terrible situations in front of strangers is one of the purest forms of bliss you can obtain. Making my little brother look like an idiot is truly my favorite pastime. This guy in Scotland just put on a master class on how to embarrass your sibling in front of the masses. 

 Sean Ewart was casually minding his own business over the weekend watching TV when his Ring doorbell alert went off. It was random drunk guy demanding to be let in to “take a shite”. That means take a shit, I speak fluent Scottish if you couldn’t tell. When Sean responded “naw mate”, it sent the stranger into a drunken tirade. “How no you fucking dick! You fucking bam, let us in for a shite!” Sean told the vagrant to get off his driveway before he phoned the police. Clearly irate, the stranger finally left.

At least, that’s what he told the press...

The story of the hammered pooper was picked up by LAD Bible, The Scottish Sun, The Daily Record, Glasgow Live and more. This mystery shitter was no stranger at all but actually Sean’s brother. When he recorded the whole interaction on his doorbell camera, Sean posted it to his Twitter (@SE250_). The video went viral and when the media came knocking for the story, Sean told them he had no idea who the guy was who wanted to take a shit in his house. 

This is next level. I don’t know how long he kept up the charade, but people who knew Sean’s brother and saw the video had to think that he had completely lost it. Sean made his brother look like a drunk, a lunatic who tries to enter random homes, and reminded the everybody that he poops. Just brutal. A hiilarious poop story. Or as the Scots would say, absolutely knackered by this brother jobby story. God, my Scottish is impeccable. 

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