Friday, July 9, 2021

Woman’s Police Chase Ends At McDonald’s Drive Thru

We've all had McDonald’s when we know we shouldn’t have. Work ran late and you didn’t feel like cooking. You had too much to drink and it was on the way home. OR you stole a truck, got in multiple car accidents, fled the police and decided you were craving a Big Mac. 

Johanna Gardell, 38, was finally apprehended in the mulch of a McDonald’s after leading police on low speed chase through Worcester, Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the criminal mastermind, she stole a work truck with a GPS tracker in it. Between the GPS and trail of struck vehicles Ms. Gardell left, she was easily located.

I have a working theory on this. Drugs. It was probably drugs. But if a toxicology report comes back clean, this is what I think might have happened. 

Have you ever been a little teenage asshole that tried to walk through the Drive Thru while your little teenage asshole friends giggled in the background? Yeah yeah me neither. But I’ve heard when that happens, McDonald’s shuts you down and tells you that you need a vehicle to order at the Drive Thru.

So what if, Johanna Gardell really needed some Big Ron’s. For reasons not yet known to us, the inside was closed. She walked to the drive through and got turned away by a pimple faced visor wearing smartass. So she decided to take matters into her own hands and steal a truck, get McDonald’s, then return the tuck while everyone was none the wiser. How else do you explain ending up in a McDonald’s Drive Thru in a high pressure situation like that? Is it crazy? Yeah, but the motive fits. And that Sweet and Sour sauce makes people do crazy things. 

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