Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Bugs Bunny Murdered LeBron

To no one’s surprise, Space Jam: A New Legacy was pretty much poop. It wasn’t awful, it was just meh. The problem is, if you’re reading this, this Space Jam wasn’t meant for you. Or me. It was an attempt to give preteens the same future nostalgia that we hold for the original. Every critique I’ve seen has been a bit overkill. Yes the plugs were shameless, LeBron’s acting was atrocious, and it was a bit messy, but it’s a kid’s movie. The children’s humor is exactly where this movie redeemed itself. 

Looney Tunes always plays. It doesn’t matter what age you are, what gender, probably doesn’t even matter if you understand the language. Running into mountain paintings, TNT, and falling pianos are funny. But the looniest of all, the one who shines brightest under the lights, is Bugs Bunny. And he absolutely torched Bron. 

There will be spoilers from here on out if you haven’t watched yet. 

When LeBron first finds himself in Tune World, Bugs shows him the ropes of his new cartoon self. After they run a truck off a bridge, they find themselves in Bugs’ infamous barber chair. Bugs asks LeBron what he’s doing in Tune World. “Torn meniscus? Midlife crisis? Ran out of teams to play for?” Jesus Bugs, slow down. This man has a family. Within five seconds he cut Bron at the knees. Torn meniscus = LeBron’s fake mid season injuries to take a break. During the midlife crisis line he’s checking LeBron’s hairline in a double mirror. A hairline, mind you, that Warner Bros was more than generous about. And then the killshot, “Ran out of teams to play for?” That one is self explanatory, “…not five, not six, not seven!” 

But he didn’t stop there. LeBron met the first front office that he couldn’t control. LeBron is notorious for playing GM and creating super teams. The Server-Verse was no different. This was the team that he was planning on recruiting- Superman, King Kong, Trinity, Batman, and Iron Giant. Classic. What he got was a handful of basketball players like Foghorn Leghorn, Granny, Roadrunner, Yosemite Sam, and one hooper in Lola Bunny. When LeBron started to protest, Bugs literally said to him, “This ain’t the Miami Heat you know.” 

Without a doubt my favorite insult to LeBron came when they went recruiting in DC World. It becomes clear that when you enter a new world, you’re assigned characterization based on your true self. Like how LeBron donned Hufflepuff robes when passing Harry Potter World. But when he landed in DC, LeBron took on the roll of none other than…. Robin. After all these years, Skip Bayless was right. 

Tune Squad wins in the end. LeBron takes the winning dunk, surprise surprise. But they only draw up one play the whole game. The most clutch shot of the game that would glitch the system and rob the villain of his powers, and it went to Bugs. LeBron with the fate of the universe on the line, gave up the shot to his teammate. Bugs gave his life, to allow LeBron to take the last shot. That’s true leadership. 

Like I said, pretty much poop. It’s not going to the Oscars or anything. But it’s certainly worth watching. Go for the LeBron hate, stay for Bugs Bunny. 

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