Monday, July 26, 2021

The Truth About Nick Saban And The NFL

During this year’s SEC Media Day, the subject of Nick Saban’s tenure as Miami Dolphins Head Coach once again came to the forefront. All because he blamed the doctor who didn’t pass Drew Brees’ physical for his departure. This is what happens when you run a perfect program, people try to make headlines out of things that happened 14 years ago. That’s fine, it’s one of my favorite drunken arguments. Nick Saban wasn’t a good NFL Head Coach, he was a great one. 

Whenever I tell people from the northeast that I went to Alabama and I’m a Tide fan their first defense mechanism is normally “Yeah well Saban sucked in the NFL.” Oh yeah? Let’s break it down. 

Under Dave Wannstedt and Jim Bates the 2004 Dolphins went 4-12. Coming off a National Championship, Nick Saban took his talents to South Beach and improved the Dolphins to 9-7 in his debut season. +5 wins with the same scrubs who just finished in last place the year prior. If that doesn’t impress you, how’s this for a fun fact: Only two NFL Coaches have the privilege of saying that they shut out Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Nick Saban is one of them, and he did it with fucking Joey Harrington under center.

Now people are acting like Saban is some evil mastermind for blaming this poor innocent doctor. The “fall guy.” Are we fucking kidding? We’re just going to pretend like this doctor wasn’t the most wrong person of all time? Saban recruited Drew Brees, the doctor failed him, and the organization decided to go with Daunte Caulpepper instead. Culpepper lasted four games throwing 929 yards with 2 TDs and 3 INTs. Saban used Joey Harrington and Cleo Lemmon the rest of the year and still managed to go 6-10. 

Drew Brees on the other hand, went on to have his first First-Team All-Pro season. He threw for 4418 yards with 26 TDs to 11 INTs. Not to mention, he attended 12 more Pro Bowls and now dons a Super Bowl ring. As of today, he’s first all time in Passing Yards and second all time in Passing Touchdowns. So who was right? Nick Saban or the doctor who “doesn’t know his ass from a handful of sand”?

Nick Saban looked at his friend, equal, and division rival, Bill Bilichick, and saw a man who worked for an organization that put all of their faith in him. Bill had the keys to the kingdom as Head Coach/GM. That doctor’s decision made one thing very clear to Nick Saban, the Dolphin’s didn’t trust his judgement. Saban’s departure wasn’t a coaching issue, it was trust issues. He went to Alabama because they offered him the opportunity of full control, and thus, a dynasty was born. Could’ve been you Miami. And I’ll tell you what, I’ll love that dumbass, stupid ass, idiot doctor forever for it.

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