Wednesday, November 3, 2021

What If Q Is Just A Big Ol Prankster

I have to be honest, I’m terrified about Q Anon and I have absolutely no idea what it actually is. I feel like five years ago they were just a person in a Guy Fawkes mask that would air out peoples’ dirty laundry on the internet. I’m not a political person in any sense, but I feel like they’ve now pivoted to political movements and conspiracy theories? 

My extent of Q Anon knowledge stems from scrolling through what’s trending on Twitter and my best friend’s mom occasionally telling us “what’s really happening in the world” while we’re trying to hit Same Game Parlays. So little to nothing. But what I do hear and see sometimes is so out there but I can’t help but giggle. 

For just a few seconds, imagine that Q Anon is actually the funniest person alive and the greatest internet troll of all time. Picture him/her/they sitting at a round table in a writing room: 

“Ok, what do we wanna do next? I was thinking we’d tell them JFK Jr. is coming back from the dead, again.”

“He died 22 years ago, no one’s going to believe that, Q.”

“Oh they’ll believe it.”

“Where are we going to say he’s going to reappear?”

“In the exact spot his where father was murdered…”

“There’s no fucking way you pull this off!”

And then they all sit back and laugh their asses off as they watch hundreds of middle aged white people with the same exact fashion sense standing in the rain saying the pledge of allegiance, waiting to see a resurrection. I mean, that’s a next level gag. That prank makes international headlines, Ashton Kutcher fucking wishes. 

What would even happened if he did show up? Supposedly he’s going to reinstate Trump? “Uhh sorry JFK  Jr., glad you’re alive and all but you can’t just announce someone as president, it doesn’t work like that.” Then Jr.’s just standing there twiddling his thumbs, like fuck I really thought that would work. 

Now I’m no fool. I’m sure there’s super elites, secret societies, and people behind the scenes with stupid amounts of power. But I would never base my personality around that? That’s for the back of my brain to worry about. The most amount of thought that conspiracies get from me is when I see something like it on a TV show or movie. Like the people in the gold animal masks in Squid Game. And I go “oh yeah that shits probably happening” and then I just go on with my life. Why? Cause you can’t prank a prankster. 

This isn’t my realm of expertise though. I’m not one of those weird people who share articles on Facebook and expect to change people’s world views. I don’t even vote. Politics isn’t for me, so naturally I really don’t know anything about Q Anon. I’m impressed with them in either outcome. If they’re telling the truth about anything, good for them for knowing all the secret spy things. If they’re lying to the masses to make people all silly, fucking hilarious. And if you’re reading this, Q, don’t kill me please. I’m just goofing around. Like you? Maybe?

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