Monday, November 29, 2021

How To Stop Reliving Your Bad Drunken Nights

If you’re unlucky it hits you as soon as you wake up the next morning. Sometimes it comes to you in the shower. A certain phrase or word could trigger it. Even worse in a text, forcing you to face reality. But when you’ve had a bad night of drinking, the humiliation comes in one form or another. You convinced yourself it probably wasn’t that bad, but it was. 

Maybe you were embarassing. Maybe you were mean. Maybe you stroked the ego of someone you don’t even like. Maybe you agreed on topics you’re actually against or made promises you had no intention of keeping. Maybe you professed your love. Maybe you faked love. Whatever the case, the cringes toll for thee. 

When a flashback of an argument, or a heart to heart, or a failed pursuit invades your thinking space, it’s paralyzing. You cringe, suck your teeth, or maybe even groan and yell it out. So how do you make it stop?

First you need to get in the right mind set. It happened, don’t give yourself false hope by trying to convince yourself otherwise. It was just your time to pay the piper. Don’t make excuses of outside influences causing you to overdo it. It was just your turn to take one on the chin. If you haven’t made an ass of yourself while enjoying a drink, cast the first stone. Don’t feel ashamed of something everyone has done. Shame is nothing. Shame is just something the Catholics invented to force you to give them money. 

Stop the bleeding. If it was a public spectacle odds are you’re gonna catch some heat in the inbox. If your friends are like mine, you’ll most likely be burned at the stake where everyone can see, the group chat. This is where I like to take what I call, the “Varys Approach”. I am availible to all my friends, I am a trustworthy confidant, I’m accepting, and above all else, I keep receipts. I’m a group historian in a sense. If anyone tries you in the chat, send them a screen shot or an embarrassing picture of themselves. I personally have a file on all my friends. It’s not blackmail, it’s just reminding them of a time when you kept your mouth shut when they had a bad moment. Its definitely not blackmail. 

Clear your mind. The Taoist monks of China have been trying to clear their mind of thought through meditation since before JC. Their government finally released a reasonable thoughtlessness solution nearly 2,000 years later- Tik Tok. It’s my personal choice because it fills me with useless fun facts, traveling fantasies, and people getting hit in the nuts. Whatever works for you, deploy it. Netflix, video games, sports, movies, whatever it is that gets you to that point where your brain is on airplane mode. 

Indulge. This probably isn’t the best time to be rewarding yourself but fuck it. You already abandoned your morals last night, you can afford to lose the diet too. Order food you shouldn’t eat. Grab a snack. Eat the ice cream in the freezer. Give yourself something to look forward to. Time heals all and you’re in a race against a countdown til this thing you did doesn’t matter anymore. Fill the countdown with things you enjoy. 

Accept what you did but don’t forgive yourself just yet. Especially if you did something you need to apologize for. Just apologize and accept the consequence. People who ask for forgiveness have already granted it to themselves. Don’t be that person. 

If all else fails go get drunk again, you’ll be less hard on yourself. It’s a Hail Mary but it has a high conversion rate. Unless of course you were violent or committed a crime or something. If that’s the case, maybe it’s time to hang em up. 

Of course your best course of action is just don’t be a idiot when you blackout. Or don’t blackout ever. I don’t know, I’ve heard it works but haven’t tried it yet.

Everyone’s had a bad night, you’re doing fine.

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