Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Robert Durst Of HBO Documentary “The Jinx” Sentenced For Murder

Obviously “true crime” has been around for eons, but I feel like The Jinx was the first time that streaming platforms realized it was a gold mine. It’s the first one I remember streaming anyway, back when HBOMax was HBOGo. Ten months after Jinx’s success, Netflix released Making A Murderer and opened the flood gates. 

The statute of limitations on spoiling The Jinx is way past due. It came out seven years ago, get a grip. So to refresh your memory, The Jinx goes into the life of Robert Durst and the suspicious deaths that seemed to follow him around the country. It started with the disappearance of his wife Kathie in 1982. To this day her body has never been recovered. Then Robert moved to California and became close friends with writer, Susan Berman. Right before Susan was set recant her alibi given for Durst to police, she was found executed in her apartment. Robert then moved to Galveston, Texas. Nearly a year after Susan’s death, the body of his neighbor and friend Morris Black was discovered dismembered in a river. Robert confessed to this murder and got off on a self defense argument. At the end of the documentary, the filmmaker provides damning evidence against Robert to his face and he excuses himself to the bathroom on a hot mic. This chilling video shows Robert talking to himself on the unsuspecting microphone saying, “There it is, your caught….What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.” Durst was arrested the day before the release of the documentary. 

Every where Robert Durst went, the person he was closest with wound up murdered. Now you may be wondering why law enforcement just shrugged their shoulders like yeah we’re not sure who did this shit. Robert is from an old New York family who’s built a real estate empire with unlimited money. According to Forbes, the Durst family owns more than 16 million square feet in both New York and Philadelphia in various skyscrapers and luxury housing. They even own 10% of the World Trade Center. The family is worth 8.1 billion, with a “b”. So they let little Robbie run rampant. 

It’s a shame really that saying someone “sounds like a murderer” will never hold up in court. Obviously with all this death surrounding Robert, he was looked into. The second he opened his mouth you knew he did that shit. But with unlimited lawyers and resources, prosecution was never able to get anything to stick. Until now. 

In mid October, Robert Durst was sentenced to life without parole for the murder of Susan Berman. Some of the strongest evidence came from the documentary itself. It included a letter that was written to police to locate Berman’s body which misspelled the word “Beverley” for Beverly Hills. Thefilmmakers  uncovered a previous letter from Durst to Berman where “Beverley” was misspelle and had the handwriting analyzed and matched. Robert’s bathroom confessional was also used again him. Found guilty, first-degree murder. 

Now, a grand jury has indicted Robert Durst for the murder of his wife in 1982. It might seem like beating a dead horse, but in opening this case Kathie’s family hopes to put pressure on the District Attorney to look into the possible involvement of Robert’s brother and head of the Durst Organization, Douglas in influencing the case. A possible forty year cover up hangs in the balance. 

Robert’s currently in custody in California. He’s hospitalized for bladder cancer and contracting Covid at 78 years old. His lawyer is concerned for his health. I’m not. Robert Durst got 23 and 48 more years than Susan Berman and Kathie McCormack. Rot in hell, little bitch.

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