Wednesday, November 17, 2021

How To Become A Holiday Shopping God

I have an affinity for thrift stores. The possibility of getting one over on an idiot who doesn’t know what they’re selling is enough to make my mouth water. That adrenaline rush is what led me to finding my secret favorite website: shopgoodwill. 

Goodwill stores are in thirty-six states around the US. They’re a place to go shopping for used items like clothing, electronics, art, jewelry, furniture, etc. All of the items are donated, mainly from families who didn’t know what to do with all grandma’s crap when she croaked. Occasionally, you’ll find something half decent in a store but those moments are few and far between. Why? Because all the good shits on the website. 

Not many people know this, but Goodwill has online shopping. It’s an endless catalog of wonders that replenishes itself every day. It’s a bidding system that awards the highest bidder when the time runs no matter what, no extensions. There’s 30 different categories, each with thousands of items to cyber sift through. It’s easy to get lost for hours. 

The site has everything. Right now some of the most popular items are Travis Scott’s Cactus Jack Jordan’s, a WW1 helmet, a lot of 7 Nintendo Wii’s with 19 controllers, and a Christian Dior full length mink coat. The highest bid for an item at the moment is 40k for a diamond bracelet that was appraised at 119k. 

But I bob and weave all that garbage. I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel for the treasure no ones found yet. To be successful you need to know where to search, good timing, and a little bit of luck. 

Keywords are crucial. Know what you’re looking for and then filter it by most bids. Let other people find do they heavy lifting, most of the time they’ll still only bid $15 dollars anyway. Then you sit and wait til the final minute when they think they’re safe and pull the rug out. I’ve gotten things like vintage Ray Bans, a Widdy dart board, and a signed Gerorge RR Martin signed GOT book doing this. 
I got so good at buying stuff for myself on shopgoodwill that I decided to do my Christmas shopping for others. Today I bought my brother a dope Camel ash try from the 90’s, a collectible Batman glass from McDonald’s that we used to drink sodas out of at our grandma’s house, and a signed headshot of Billy Zane. All that plus a Deion shirt from the Barstool store and I can cross him off the list. Four things I know he’ll love and it cost me less than $70.
Whatever someone likes, type it into the search bar. If they like Star Wars, I searched that once and found a sweet 80’s Miller High Life poster with Lando and chained up Leia looking like they were about to get it on. If they like a college program, search that for old starter jackets and old memorabilia for cheap. Want an N64? They have 29 consoles available right now. Hell if they like Brett Favre, there’s a signed photo with the certicate of authenticity currently at $9.99. Don’t believe me?

I still have some bids out so I’m not going to tell you where are the treasured buried, but it’s out there. 
You can go the weird and obscure route like myself. Or check popular sports items and video games and shit. Just set an alarm so you don’t get sucked into a vortex. The site is your oyster. If you can think it, shopgoodwill has something for it. Come Christmas time, people will think you’re a god and you never have to tell them it barely cost you a dime.  

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