Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Who The Fuck Made Brandon Crawford’s Daughter Cry?

I’m not kidding I think this is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t think it’s too far to say that Brandon Crawford shouldn’t be prosecuted if he decides to hunt down these dickheads in Kill Bill fashion. 

I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t be all too happy with me casting the first stone here. I’ve said a lot worse things at arena’s than “You suck”. I know it’s a rivalry game, and they were probably boozin. I guess I want to know if the guys knew that Crawford’s daughter was right next to them. Actually, look at her face. She’s clearly to hold back the tears as one goes down her cheek. Fuck them whether the knew or not. 

I’ve said things at an LSU vs Bama game that would make Satan himself blush. Maybe I’m getting soft, but I don’t care. I have three little nieces now that I watch every Monday. I know it’s not the same as having your own kids. But I’m telling you right now, if grown men ever made my nieces make that face, I would castrate them. 

Who the fuck goes at Brandon Crawford anyway? Guys a career .250 hitter. Has he really been haunting your franchise for years? No disrespect to Brandon, but is that really the guy who’s skin you need to get under? Problem is Dodgers fans are a bunch of yuppies who don’t know shit about shit. I’m rooting for Brandon Crawford now. Fuck the Dodgers and fuck these guys. 

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