Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Real Life Duttons (Yellowstone) Run For Governor In Idaho

When I first started watching Yellowstone, I thought there was no way people still live like this. Cowboys and Native American reservations, fighting with with the federal government over cattle territory. I mean, what century is it? None of it seemed plausible until I read about the Bundy family. 

The Bundy family first came into the limelight over a lands dispute with the government in 2014. The feds came knocking for a cool million from the patriarch, Clive Bundy, for twenty-one years of grazing fees. So pretty much his cattle was chilling on federal land, so the government said “fuck you pay me”. He refused, they took his cattle, so this old ass rancher got in a damn standoff with Uncle Sam. 

Cliven, such a dope name, started recruiting militia from all over the country to fight off the Bureau of Land Management. Like wtf? How do you even have militias phone numbers. He wrote his plea titled “Range War Emergency Notice and Demand For Protection” and people answered his call. Since the Bundys declare Range War on the US they sent a bunch of armed men over to handle the situation. 

Well it all came to head on April 12th when the Bundy protestors decided to block Interstate 15 and cause a two hour traffic delay on both sides. That alone should be 25 to life. The militia tactically set up on overheads and had rifles ready to take out Bureau Agents while the Bundys met them on horseback armed to the teeth. They returned the cattle within thirty minutes.

Think the Bundy’s stopped there? Cliven’s sons Ammon and Ryan decided two years later to overtake and occupy a federal building in Oregon for over a month. They claimed to protest tyranny and demanded federal lands to be transferred over to rancher property. The occupation ended in a shootout with one militia member killed. 

Now you’re probably wondering about the title. How in the hell could these guys run for governor from prison? Well it’s simple, they’re not in prison. They were acquitted. This is some Dutton family, Yellowstone type shit. How many people do the Bundys have in their pocket to get away with stealing a federal building for 41 days, shooting their way out, only to walk around like nothing happen.

Avoiding jail would’ve been enough for me to take my ball and go home. But Ammon Bundy, ringleader of the 2016 shootout, has decided to take a victory lap. He’s rubbing the government’s nose in his freedom by running for Governor of Idaho. Because if there’s one thing that anti-government people love, it’s joining the government.

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