Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Would You Have Sex With The Toothless Tik Tokker?

During this blog, I’m going to try and remain honest with you and myself. But no promises. This toothless Tik Tokker has been all over every social media outlet for her makeup and dentures transformation. 

I don’t know this woman’s story or what she’s been through. But she’s been through it. For the sake of this question, I don’t want anyone to know her story. We’re basing this little experiment solely on looks. I know that’s not really kosher, but fuck off like you don’t have a Tinder profile? 


In a different century, she’d be burned at the stake for this. I don’t want to hear another word about my receding hairline when I take my hat off. Not when women are shapeshifting like this. 

I think you already know the answer to my title. I wouldn’t have written this whole thing just to say no? That’d be silly. You can act like you’re above it, with that little ego of yours. But you can’t expect me to believe if bottom picture asked you to come back to her place after a night out on the dance floor that you’d say no. She’s hot. You’d take down Melissandre and you know it. 

The worst part about all of this is that I’m acting like I’d still be the decision maker. It hurts, but there’s a high probability that @princxssglitterhead takes one good look at me and laughs at my attempt to pick her up. The irony isn’t lost on me, I’m laughing at the thought of getting turned down by a gummy Hocus Pocus character. But I’m only laughing on the outside. 

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