Thursday, May 5, 2022

Was Everyone Aware That Voldemort Boinked An Flight Attendant?

I was unaware that Ralph Fiennes, most famously known for playing Voldemort in the Harry Potter franchise, was involved in a 2007 scandal for having sex with a flight attendant during a flight from Australia to Mumbai. If you’re too cool for Harry Potter, he was also in Schindler’s List, Kingsman, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. 

Fiennes also starred in the total classic, Maid In Manhattan alongside of J-Lo. This scandal pretty much follows the same plot but instead of a maid it’s a flight attendant, and instead of happily ever after, she gets fired and never sees him again. 

According to this Daily Mail article, the incident began when Lisa Robertson recognized Fiennes while offering him a mid-flight drink. Robertson fan-girled out and then quickly apologized for being unprofessional. Fiennes reassured her with a soft voice and complimenting her on her attractiveness. The two continued to eye-fuck each other across first class until it finally came to a head during Robertson’s break. 

Fiennes pushed past the curtain to find Robertson kickin’ it back. They talked about his previous movies, a accent he was working on for an upcoming role, and next thing you know, Ralph goes in for the kiss. Half-naked and on the verge of being caught, Robertson led Finnes by the hand to the plane’s bathroom to cement their mile high status. 

They were seen leaving the same bathroom by another flight attendant who told Robertson that he was going to report her. Not nearly deterred, the two lovebirds made plans to meet up after they landed. She thought he was blowing smoke, but to Robertson’s surprise, Fiennes called her thirty minutes after she checked into her hotel. 

Apparently full of surprises, Robertson said she was shocked at how gentleman-like Fiennes was. Despite answering his hotel room in only a towel, Fiennes insisted on a roof-top dinner date first. Over a couple martinis and with a Mumbai backdrop, the two held hands as Robertson requested Fiennes to reenact some of his most famous lines. 

Back at the hotel room, you know what happened. Three times, and once more in the morning. 

After the Indian soirĂ©e, it was time for Robertson to face the music. She was ultimately fired for her actions during the flight. She tried to contact Fiennes under a lawyer’s suggestion to help her corroborate an excuse of her “helping him with a contacts lens” in the bathroom. Robertson said she felt betrayed when Fiennes kept reiterating to her that “Nothing happened” and “We weren’t in the toilet”. But really, what I don’t think she understood that he was being polite by not saying “That’s the stupidest fucking idea I ever heard.” He was giving her the blueprint. Deny, deny, deny. Deny til’ you die. 

Once the British tabloids got the scoop from witnesses, the airline initially denied any inappropriate conduct. But after she was fired, and with the press breathing down her neck, Robertson decided to tell her side of the story publicly. 

There is an unreal Australian 60 Minutes interview on the scandal with Lisa Robertson that you can watch here. It’s absolutely nuts how much interviews have changed in that short period of time. 

The interviewer calls Lisa stupid to her face for what she did. He asks her straight up if she had sex in the toilet. When she tells him that she did, he prompts her into explaining how she pulled that off in such a tight space. What a piggy question. But without missing a beat, Robertson jokes about her flexibility and says arms and legs were everywhere. But his boldness didn’t end there. This interviewer goes on to point blank ask Lisa how Fiennes was as a”lover”. You’re a perve dude. 

Lisa Robertson in both the article and the television interview expressed that she doesn’t regret what she did and that she’d do it again. Hell yeah. She commented that she was making 12k as an airline attendant. Fuck that job? You pulled off the dream of banging a celebrity crush. Fiennes turned out just fine. He continued grinding out Harry Potter movies for the next four years. 

People were trying hard to to condemn Lisa Robertson for her unprofessionalism. She’s hardly the first person to get some on-duty booty. And Fiennes? He got dragged for having unprotected sex with Robertson while he was in India to raise awareness for AIDS. But what’s a little STD to a guy with seven horcruxes? 

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