Monday, May 2, 2022

People Are Being Dumb Again, We’re Coming For Drew Barrymore Now

Drew Barrymore is just the latest in the long line of the internet gallows. Why? Because we’re all idiots, that’s why. People weren’t too keen on Barrymore commenting on the Depp/Heard case on her talk show. Literally the most talked about thing on the internet right now. I mean go on Tik Tok for one second and you’ll see it. The backlash has cornered the “50 First Dates” actress to apologize on her Instagram for being “insensitive”.

Here's what Drew Barrymore said:
“It’s like one layer of crazy, it’s a seven layer dip of insanity! I know that these are two people’s real lives and I know what it’s like to have your life put out in public… I understand the feelings, but they are actually offering up this information that nobody has to know. It’s crazy!”

That’s it? People are upset that Drew Barrymore called the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case…crazy? I’m sorry? You realize they’ve been talking in a professional manner about Depp losing a finger and Heard defecating on a bed, right? You can’t say chopped up fingers and dookie bombs in bed are crazy?! 

“She shit in a bed and severed his finger with a bottle of vodka? That’s crazy.”
“Oh no no no. You can’t say that? What’s wrong with you?” 

What’re we doing here? If anyone at all is qualified to talk about crazy, it’s Drew Barrymore. Do you know the resume she packs? She admitted in her memoirs to pouring Bailey’s over her ice cream at seven years old. Around nine she was first introduced to marijuana and cocaine. Her mother regularly brought her as a pre-teen to Studio 54. Two rehab stints before turning fifteen. Posed for Playboy at nineteen and notoriously flashed Letterman live for his birthday. Not to mention, mommy dearest got caught auctioning off baby clothes in the 90’s. Drew Barrymore literally wrote books on crazy. How dare you. 

This is very important so put your listening ears on. Some words get thrown around so much that they’ve begun to lose their meaning. Just because you feel someone is being insensitive, doesn’t mean they’re doing something terrible or illegal. If someone insults you, it doesn’t mean you’re being harassed. Hurt feelings doesn’t equal harassment. Legally. Just because you feel like someone’s being a meanie pants, doesn’t mean you can take their careers or throw them in jail. Thank you.

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