Monday, May 23, 2022

Chappelle’s Attacker Explains His Actions

Isaiah Lee, or as he’s more famously known apparently, NoName_Trapper, has broken his silence and spoken with the New York Post. He pretty much confirmed all of our suspicions that he didn’t like the jokes that Chappelle was telling at his comedy show and charged him while possessing a fake gun/knife. Let’s break down a couple of my favorite quotes from the article. 

1. “…said he was ‘triggered’ by the comedian’s jokes about the LGBTQ community and homelessness- as he insisted he never wanted to hurt the funny man.”

I have a hard time imagining that someone just happens upon a Dave Chapplle show. The guy sells out arenas, you knew what he was about before your ticket was punched. Lee was “triggered” by jokes since he identifies as bisexual and is someone who has battled homelessness. Ok, then you’d think Dave Chappelle might not be your cup of tea. He knew full well what he was going to do there. 
Chappelle joke on Da Baby vs. LGBTQ
Chappelle joke on Oscar The Grouch being homeless

2. “Isaiah Lee told The Post that Chappelle should be more ‘sensitive’ when it comes to the jokes he cracks.” 

Oh so NoName_Trapper is more the soft and sensitive type, huh? No I totally get it. Some people take things too far at comedy shows, a setting known for rash exclamations and shock value. At least it’s not in a public place where people aren’t asking to be subjected to Dave’s opinions. Ya know, like standing on a cop car and flipping everyone off.
We should be more conscious to the people around us. Especially those in close proximity. Like maybe we should be more sensitive and not stab our roommates. Which brings me to our next quote. 

3. “He was charged on Thursday with stabbing his roommate last year. The victim in that case identified Lee as his alleged attacker when the Chappelle incident went viral, prosecutors say. 

Maybe they’ll send him to sensitivity training. 

4. “Asked about reports that he suffers from mental health issues, Lee said they were ‘wrong’ and ‘inaccurate’. His lawyer, however, has said he is receiving mental health services. 

Lee has alleged that he was sexually abused as a seventeen year old. Besides murdering a child, sexually abusing a minor is the worst crime there is. Enough to mess anyone up. You’ve been sexually abused, wrestled with homelessness, allegedly stabbed your roommate and charged Dave Chappelle on a stage while in possession of a deadly weapon. Take the mental health route my man. Your lawyer couldn’t be any clearer in telling you to shut the fuck up. 

5. “ ‘But it went from me probably only doing six months [in jail] and having to do community service and living in a transitional home - to possibly 15 years  or more in jail’….Still, he says he doesn’t regret what happened,” 

Don’t regret what happened? We all saw you on Twitter, you looked like Woody when his stiches started to come undone. Let’s be generous and say you don’t regret it seven years into that fifteen year bid you mentioned. Staring down the barrel of another eight is it possible you might start thinking, “I might’ve fucked up,”? 

I’m not sure that Chappelle will ever have another normal show again. While I highly doubt he’ll think twice before doing his often controversial jokes, I guarantee you someone will think twice before charging that stage again. One final quote. When Dave asked Isaiah why he attacked him, Lee said something along the lines of his mother and grandmother would be ashamed of Dave’s jokes that they fought for his right to do. To which the comedian responded, “Now your story will die with you, son.” Dave Chappelle is a cold motherfucker. 

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