Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Why Did Georgia’s Leading WR Transfer To Bama?

It’s been sixteen days since the National Championship and I’m only now able to talk about it. Going into the game I really didn’t think we stood a chance. Yes I said we, I’m still paying UA monthly, I’ve earned that right. After the first quarter I remember thinking holy shit we’re going to win this this. But it wouldn’t be a National Championship without Bama losing it’s star receiver. Metchie gone, Jameson 65 yards in the first fucking quarter before dying and Bryce still threw for 369! *Exhale*, count to ten. Like I was saying, Georgia’s receiver. 

Saban told you he didn’t like the idea of a portal, now you all have to pay. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and then beat ‘em even worse. Alabama has reached into the transfer portal and came out with the best corner, running back, and now wide receiver. 

This now brings Alabama’s total to eleven top 100 recruits of the 2021 class. We’ve taken 39th ranked Eli Ricks from LSU, All-ACC running back Jahmyr Gibbs from Georgia Tech, and Georgia’s leading receiver in yards and touchdowns, Jermaine Burton.

Even if none of these transfers pan out, which let’s face it, is unlikely. Having a top recruit transfer is like signing or trading for a first rounder in the NFL. You know there’s potential untapped there and you’re excited for it to blossom on your team. 

Now you might be wondering why a reciever who just won a Natty would abandon ship to join his school’s rival. It’s simple really. Stetson Bennett stinks. I don’t know what demons he summoned for that second half but he isn’t good. Georgia fans were literally calling for JT Daniels mid game. But now that he’s won a National Championship, Georgia will Georgia and never be able to admit the obvious- he’s not their best chance to win. *See Justin Fields.

Stetson won’t be the best option for the Bulldogs, but the receiving core in particular. I told you that Jermaine Burton was their lead receiver and that may have led you to believe he had a good year. Burton had 497 yards and 5 touchdowns. Not a bad year, but not exactly what you imagine for the best wide receiver on a championship team. 

Alabama is no stranger to taking under appreciated talent from blue blood programs and turning them into stars. Take Jameson Williams for example. In his first two years at Ohio State, Jameson posted a combine 266 yards and 3 touchdowns. In his only season with Alabama, he put up 1572 yards and 15 total touchdowns, solidifying his spot in the first round of the draft. For comparison, Georgia’s top four wide receivers combined for a total of 1564 yards and  15 touchdowns. 

Jermaine Burton has already won a National Championship, it’s time for him to focus on his draft stock. Stetson Bennett simply isn’t going to do it for him. Nice guy and all, good story, but he stinks. PLUS if it’s National Championships that tickles Jermaine’s fancy, why not join the program with the best odds? 

Of course I’m making all of this make total sense in the details. But this entire blog could’ve been answered in one sentence. Why? Because Nick Saban, and he’s out for blood. 

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