Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Problem With Movies, Books, and TV Shows

I have an addiction to storytelling. I’ve watched an embarassing amount of TV shows and by today’s standards, read a shit ton of books. At any given time, I’m normally watching three shows. One dramatic show that I need to devote my full attention to. One easy going show to fall asleep to that doesn’t require me to see every single scene. And normally, one show that I’ve been watching that just dropped a new season. Books, are little portable TV shows that don’t require wifi. I’m normally reading one science fiction and one fiction book at the same time and switch back and forth depending on what I’m in the mood for. 

Anyone who reads or watches too much TV understands that it’s a long term commitment. An investement in hopes that your time spent properly equates to your satisfaction level at the conclusion. The only problem is every ending is the same. 

*Spoilers ahead for a whole bunch of shit. Ozark, Al Pacino movies, GOT, Boardwalk Empire, Sopranos, Vikings, Sons Of Anarchy.

This all occurred to me as I watched the last season (sike) of Ozark. I like to play detective when I’m watching a show and predict endings before I see them. But anyone who watches Ozark or has a brain already knows how it’s going to end. Marty will probably go work for the FBI. Wendy is going to die, possibly murdered by one of her children or Ruth, and whoever’s running the cartel is going to be dethroned. It’s not a guaranteed blueprint but one thing is for certain: it won’t end well for the Byrdes. It can’t. They’re not allowed. The Byrdes have done too much wrong for everything to turn out right. 

I’m picking on Ozark, and to be fair I’m only assuming the ending, but it’s everywhere. Either Al Pacino croaks over in the chair or he eats bullets at the top of the staircase because “crime doesn’t pay!” All of Daenerys work is undone and she’s stabbed by Jon because “the ends don’t justify the means!”. “Power belongs to the people!” so the winner of the throne is the weird emo wheelchair kid who’s basically the reincarnation of the psychohistory of humanity. Tony cuts to black, Ragnar’s dropped in the snake pit, Jax Teller kills himself, Nucky is shot on the boardwalk of all places, and just wait to you see how Dune ends. The list goes on and on and on. 

The problem with this is that you’re treating your audience like they’re stupid. Like if someone watches Ozark or Scarface they’re going to launder money for the cartel or sling coke. “Well, there were no repercussions for the Byrdes or Tony Montano, so why not me!” And I’m not calling to change the end of Scarface, it was perfect. All I’m suggesting is that not every single story has to follow the same old Hollywood tropes. 

The creator is being dishonest to their audience and their characters when every story makes you pay for the sins you’ve committed. The truth is, sometimes ruthless people get away with everything. Sometimes shitty things happens to people with good morales. To see that actually played out on a screen would be the biggest twist in decades. 

Just once I’d like to see an invader rise to power and claim the kingdom they’re fighting for. See a criminal make it out with all the hard work they put in with a shit ton of money and a happily ever after. But I won’t hold my breath. 

At least we have the last season of Peaky Blinders to look forward to, wonder what will happen…

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