Thursday, May 6, 2021

What Is The Best Profession To Marry?

If your spouse could have any job in the world what do you wish it would be? In this hypothetical you can only choose based on set of skills that go with the profession, not salary. So for example, for the sake of this question, school teachers make the same as doctors. So you can’t say well I’d marry a doctor cause they’re rich. 

Let’s start off with the ones I wouldn’t want. 

Porn star jumped off the page for obvious reasons. I like to say I’m secure enough to handle the job description but I think it’d wear me down eventually. Plus it’d be tough to have your kid’s playground bullies shoving mommy’s or daddy’s videos from the Hub in their face. 

Police officer. Nobody likes cops anymore, but spouses have hated them long before the public. The divorce rate is at a constant range of 60-70%,  mostly stemming from police being twice as likely to be alcoholics. They’re at the top of the list for both cardiac and suicide. Plus the life expectancy is about 22 years younger than the average person. Not a great long term investment. 

Nobody wants to be the person being videoed, videoing their girlfriend or boyfriend. I can’t even imagine being married to an influencer. I’d call off a wedding before I had to take engagement photos. Nevermind that being your life every single day. Having to pretend to enjoy every single mundane activity for the rest of my life is a prison sentence. And you know if it doesn’t work out they’re going to post a tear-filled video putting you on blast all for the sake on content.

Many people might choose doctor, but I wouldn’t. Having that expertise in the house could be a blessing and a curse. I hate going to the doctor, I’m like 0-1000. I’ve never heard a doctor say “Good job, you’re looking healthy.” I don’t need to wake up to that kind of judgement every morning. 

Parking lot attendant- worst people on earth. They will be angry every day for the rest of your life and probably wind up scamming you out of something. 

I just realized I’m going to have a lot more don’t marry than do marry’s. Puts a bit of a damper on my title. It probably says a lot more about me than I care to admit. 

Top 3 Would Want To Marry

ASMR Youtuber. Due to the nature of my job, I have a pretty fucked sleep schedule. ASMRers hold a special place in my heart for helping me finally get some sleep. Having my own personal lullaby would be a God send. I honestly had this higher at first but I’ve never had a live ASMR session. It might freak me out and make me realize I’ve made a terrible mistake.

I think an obvious choice here is a chef. Every chef I’ve ever met loves showing off in their own kitchen. Think of the movie CHEF, that man poured his heart and sold into a god damned grilled cheese. I’m a big dude, so they’d find no better audience to showcase their talents than their loving partner. 

My number one is chiropractor. My back is going down and it’s going down quick. I found out that my insurance allows me two trips a month to the chiropractor and I’d propose tomorrow if I knew the answer would be yes. Some people need a reset on a relationship when the romance runs out. Keep resetting my lumbar spine and I promise we’ll never have that issue. 

I’m sure I missed some. On both sides of the fence. Mull it over, think of some of the best and worst professions to marry and get back to me. 

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