Wednesday, May 26, 2021

China Creates AI Software To Detect Emotion

I read a lot of science fiction and I’m currently rewatching Dr. Who in preparation for when the Aliens come down to say whatsup on June 1st. So you’re just going to have to trust that I’m the expert here and you’re not. Here is my expertise analysis: this is not good. 

We’re talking about potential emotional felonies. Thought crime. The article had a section where it talks about the Orwellian parallels to the software. Which is kind of bullshit, because I was going to say that to sound smart. But ultimately, the way you’re feeling during the time of your arrest could help determine you’re level of innocence.

The AI is programmed to detect minute changes in facial expressions and skin pores. It be your own damn skin pores that snitch. The AI can detect anxiety or negatively driven emotions. But what other feelings are you supposed to have when you’ve just been arrested? What if you have to take a shit but your wrists and ankles are shackled to a chair in a Chinese holding cell? Probably make you pretty anxious, right? Now you’re found guilty on all charges.

It doesn’t explicitly state that the AI detects other emotions, but I imagine for an all-knowing robot it wouldn’t be that difficult. What happens when the results come back that the subject is happy? That’s the person that should worry you. You’ve just been picked up for suspicion of a double-homicide, what’re you so happy about? Or what if it comes back that they’re horny? Now what do you. 

Obviously there’s more to the article. It’s alleged that the test subjects to this software is are the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. The same Xinjiang where it’s suspected a million people are being held in “re-education camps”. I’m not versed enough on this issue to go into detail but I will comment on the quote given by the Chinese embassy. 

“The political, economic, and social rights and freedom of religious beliefs in all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are fully guranteed.”

If you feel the need to come out and say hey guys we’re not making racist robots, surely seems like something someone who’s making racist robots would say. 

Any way you slice it, we’re fucked. They can’t even walk around yet and robots are already trying to throw us in jail. There’s only possible solution I see. If the robots are dicks, we ask the aliens to take them out. If the aliens are dicks, we ask the robots to take them out. Either way we’re playing second fiddle. But I’d take silver over bronze any day of the week. 

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