Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ass Eatin’ Szn: Hey Arnold Edition

A recent viral Tik Tok has sparked a debate on if Hey Arnold slipped in a rimjob scene right in front of our pre-pubescent faces. Seen here:

Here’s a still shot:

Eating ass has become a relatively new phenomenon on the internet. Or at least we thought. Apparently the pioneers over at Nickelodeon Studios have had their noses on tailbones for decades.

Pictured above is Craig Bartlett, noted liar and creator of Hey Arnold. He denied the implication of the scene back in 2016 when the clip first surfaced on Twitter. But look at his picture. There is nothing you can say to me to make me think that Craig Bartlett doesn’t love eating ass. 

Cmon. First of all the character in the scene is named Uncle Chuck which is an immediate red flag. The guys going to town. Not to mention the nice lady on the receiving can barely hold herself up and is on the precipice of her O face. 
You think I’m going to start trusting Craig Bartlett all of a sudden? The man who made me think Arnold’s parents were dead for years? Only to find out that they were sleeping in Central America literally the entire time? I’m supposed to believe that guy? Eat shit. I know when somebody’s getting the ol’ rusty trombone, and that man is having himself a healthy serving. 

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