Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Jordan’s Royal Family Is Wild Right Now

Our country recieves a lot of flack from the rest of the world and probably rightfully so, but it’s still very overlooked that a lot of the world still lives in a literal fantasy land. We have fictional literary genres based on their country’s governing. Kings and Queens, Princes, Princesses, Lords, Ladies, and potential usurpers. Hated the end of Game Of Thrones? Check out what’s going on in Jordan to get your fix. 

It all starts with this guy.
King Hussein became King of Jordan when he was seventeen years old. Two years after witnessing the assasination of his grandfather. Hussein lived a lavish life but was often revered as the man of the people. He might have driven a Jaguar but it was often through the streets of the common folk. King Hussein was known for his peaceful approach, even pardoning some of his own potential assassins who made attempts on his life. Hussein was Jordan’s longest running monarch and even introduced a democratically voted-in government. Plus he was handsome as fuck.
(King Abdullah)

Hussein’s eldest son, Abdullah, has since ascended the throne. Since his reign began, Jordan has reached record levels in poverty, unemployment, and corruption. Among his people, Abdullah is viewed as a distant ruler and too flashy for a the head of collapsed economy. Plus they make fun of his Arabic, which can’t feel good.
(Queen Rania)

Abdullah’s literal Queen, Rania, doesn’t help with his public image. She’s the Cersei to our Robert here. Often photographed in designer clothing while the country straves and flying to America to guest star on the Oprah Show when a million Jordanians are jobless. It was Queen Rania who appointed the heads of security and intelligence to further display her dominance in the country’s inner workings. 

Enter Prince Hamzah.
Hazmah’s shocking resemblance to his father isn't the only parallel that he shares with the former beloved King. He is known for his charm and held in high regards by his people. Hamzah is Abdullah’s half-brother and has been critical, along with the rest of the country, of his brother’s mishandling of Jordan. The Prince has been visiting with the tribes of Jordan’s West Bank to speak his displeasures. The same tribes that fought alongside his great-great-grandfather in the Great Arab Revolt of WWI. On his Robb Stark shit. Support has been wavering towards the younger Prince. 

When it comes to speaking your mind, Abdullah has invoked a sense of fear amongst his nation. Journalists, civilians, and now apparently Princes. Prince Hamzah released two videos on what he views as the downfall of Jordan during his brother’s reign. Following the broadcast, Hamzah has been silenced and several high level arrests have been made. The Prince has been put on “house arrest” since his alleged coup attempt. Many believe Rania has orchestrated of censuring Hamzah. With the gag order in place, and Hamzah out of the public eye, his legend only grows stronger. 

I know this isn’t really like Thrones. The poverty in Flea Bottom isn’t real, it is in Jordan. Actual lives are on the line here. No matter how invested in Jon Snow you were, these stakes are higher. Jordan has been a symbol of inner peace while it’s surrounding neighbors have been riddled with civil war. But that might be changing soon with a King vs. Prince Heavyweight fight. While this obviously isn’t good news, it’s interesting to watch history unfold in real time.

(Also meant to mention this earlier, King Hussein met Abdullah’s British mother, his future Queen, on the set of Lawrence of Arabia. Total pimp.)

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