Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Exclusive Video: Did David Wells Ever Consider Drinking To Throw More Perfect Games?

Behind only sailors and gamblers, baseball players are some of the most superstitious people on the planet. David Wells is on a very short and exclusive list of players that are beloved by both Yankees and Red Sox fans. Monday was the 23rd anniversary of his Perfect Game. Boomer was off to a rocky start in 1998, posting a 5.23 era before the first pitch. So how did he pull it off?

“Half drunk, with bloodshot eyes, monster breath, and a raging, skull rattling hangover.”

He was hungover as shit. Knowing baseball players, I wondered to myself if he thought that maybe he had figured something out with this hangover thing. Was Boomer, now an 11 year veteran, thinking shit I guess I have to get hammered before every start now to throw more perfect games? So I asked him. Here was his response, along with who he was drinking with on the night before. 

Legend. This man is the best, America incarnate. Boomer and the SNL cast along with Jimmy Fallon, tying one off the night before the Perfect Game. Dabbled in the science of hangover pitching and sounds like a couple of the boys joined in to analyze the data. I have my guesses on who but it’s all conjecture. 

This is why I love this game, there’s a magic to these moments. It’s what makes it America’s pastime. I’ve had Shameful Sundays my last three weekends to the point where I didn’t want to peel myself out of bed. But if a 35-year-old hungover David Wells can stumble in at 5:00 am after a night with Jimmy Fallon, drag his ass to the stadium, and deliver the 15th Perfect Game ever thrown? Makes me feel like I can do anything. 

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