Thursday, May 27, 2021

Living In The Moment

Memories aren’t what they used to be. Lighters lost their jobs to flashlights, the brain replaced by a camera roll. The backdrop in pictures to big moments are no longer filled with awe-struck onlookers but with people gawking at their phones instead of the subject at hand. 

Half of the people in the world nowadays reach for their pocket when they see a potential memory brewing. Concerts, fireworks, the final out in the World Series. Majority of these people don’t even want it for memory’s sake but as some weird proof that they did and saw something. And it never comes out how it looks in person. It’s this minuturized speckly version of what you were supposed to be looking at. You never show it to anyone after you post it to your Instagram story. Not even yourself. Why would you? It looks like shit. So it just sits there rotting in your camera roll taking up storage space. 

As for the other half of people on this planet. Oh you thought you were safe, did ya? The fuckin lIvE iN tHe MoMeNt police. Shut up? Just shut up. Your holier than thou attitude makes you worse than the camera people. You’re so busy snickering about the person next to you not enjoying the moment that you ruin it for yourself. You’re not concerned about the state of the world, you just enjoy looking down at people. Like  your sneering is going to magically cause some great epiphany to a total stranger to never use their phone camera ever again. Get over yourself. 

Camera people, maybe try living in the present a bit, see how you like it. Moment police, go live in the future a bit to prevent your present self from being a little weasel. Or whatever, do what you want, I know what I’ll be doing. 

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