Tuesday, March 30, 2021

This Late In The Game

I got covid. Got it bad. This is the first day my brain hasn’t felt like a marshmellow. I really thought I was going to be more productive during my quarantine. I was wrong. This thing has been whooping my ass. 

If you’re curious what it entails, I’ll explain my symptoms. Day 1 it just felt like allergies and I thought this thing was all bark no bite. Day 2 was the fever and chills. I was sweating like I ran a marathon but shivering for hours on end. Day 3 I lost my sense of taste and smell. Then yesterday, whatever day that was, I couldn’t keep anything down. Today, I’m starting to turn this franchise around. 

Symptom wise, losing my taste was the worst for me. I can’t even explain what it’s like to put something in your mouth and taste nothing. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. If my taste doesn’t come back soon I’m going to do something drastic. Witchcraft, voodoo, black magic, I don’t care.

Worse than having it is giving it to someone. I was never cool enough to get an STD but I imagine it was pretty similar texting everyone I was in close proximity to that I had the virus. It’s a weird text. The person you’re texting has to be nice to you cause you have this deadly virus but is obviously very pissed that they have to get tested now. It’s not like I knew I had it? Luckily for all my friends, I didn’t give it to any of them. Unluckily for my saint of a mother, I did give it to her. 

It’s a virus that’s tough on my mentals. I’ve had to watch my mom in pain and that’s my fault. I’ve been separated from society, turned into a hermit. And probably toughest of all, my illness has been perfectly  timed up with a viral tweet that reads “imagine getting c*vid this late in the game lol L”. I mean, how do I come back from that? Every single piece of shit that I’ve considered a friend has sent me this tweet. 

This has been the hardest blog I’ve written. Not as in hard to share or anything weird like that, but cause I still have cobwebs on my brain. It’s not my best writing, I just had to write something. Let me serve as a reminder that just because things are getting back to normal doesn’t mean they are. Mask up and sanitize or have shit for brains like me at the moment. 

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