Monday, March 15, 2021

Sticking The Landing

Talking is hard. Talking in a world where everything you say is written down, tweeted, and recorded is nearly impossible. We’re constantly kept to this standard that everything you ever say has to be correct. And it always has to hold up. There’s no statute of limitations either. If you ever misstep the mob will come to snatch your livelihood. We’re the gotcha generation. I hate this, and condemn it to the final ring of Hell. However, I’m about to do the shit out of that.

If you’ve never seen the video above this blog won’t make much sense. Certainly won’t be nearly as satisfying. In maybe my favorite video ever, Patrice O’Neal schools this lady on the danger of “cancel culture”.

The woman in video is Sonia Ossorio. Sonia was in this debate with Patrice O’Neal to advocate against Opie and Anthony for a sexual assault joke they made against Condoleezza Rice. The radio hosts sent Patrice as their champion. 

That joke almost certainly wouldn’t fly in today’s world, and probably rightfully so. It was Patrice’s opinion that we don’t need to defend the joke but should defend the right to make any joke. That good jokes and bad jokes are born from the same place and sometimes you just don’t stick the landing. That doesn’t mean you fire someone anytime a joke doesn’t work out. Especially when it’s done in a comedy setting. 

But opinions evolve. Comedy adapts. In the end, it appears like Sonia’s way of thinking is more on the forefront of our nation’s attitude towards comedy.

Which brings me to my next point.

The bell, Sonia, it tolls for thee. That picture of Sonia and Cuomo is only about six months ago. Now politics aside, and of course I do believe in due process and Cuomo has not yet had his day in court, at the moment these remain as only allegations. HOWEVER, Sonia was torch in hand at the mention of a joke(!) regarding sexual exploitations, but appears to remain a supporter of someone who’s actually accused of sexual harassment. Seven times over. The real deal, not a joke. By her own standards, she should be canceled.

Sonia Ossorio is the President of National Organization of Women of New York (NOW) which boasts as the nation’s largest organization in advancing women’s rights. She has worked to improve gender-based violence and workplace discrimination. Ossorio also helped to make tougher laws on rape offenders in NY. All work that should be commended and applauded. Work Sonia should be proud of. Should we call for her job? Disregard all her previous years because she took a picture with a guy? And called the guy now accused of sexual harassment a true leader? Of course not. 

I don’t need an apology from Sonia. She doesn’t owe anyone shit. But what I would like to see is acknowledgement that sometimes we do/say things we regret. And that shouldn’t mean the end of the road for that person. 

We can’t live in a society where a mistake is a death sentence. A lot of the times, like in this case, AT THE TIME it wasn’t a mistake. Plenty of people felt that way about Cuomo, but circumstances change, feelings change, and we shouldn’t always be held accountable from a previous opinion you may have held. This idea that you can’t change your mind about something or someone is the denial of growth and the death of free thinking.

Rest in Power Patrice O’Neal, you were right.

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