Monday, October 25, 2021

Scenes From An International Airport

For all intents and purposes, people watching is on life support. Sitting down and watching the world pass you by is a thing of the past. There’s too many tweets to read, snaps to skip through, bets to place and lineups to set. People watching clings to life in small pockets of the world. Disney World, for one, because the weirdies are too good to pass up. But airports is a close second. 

Once you get past the long lines and $12 Cheez-Its, the airport is a magical place. People of all ages. People from all walks of life. People from all over the world. All squished together, stressed the fuck out. Maybe you miss your flight. Maybe the pilots mentally unstable. Maybe you have to sit next to a guy like me. The opputtunities are endless. And the people do not disappoint. 

I took in the sights this past weekend while traveling to Tuscaloosa for the Bama game. Here were some of my favorite scenes and interactions. 

-My trip started out with a bang. Maybe a poor choice of words, the bomb dog indicated on me. Little dickhead sniffed hard on my backpack for no reason. Instantly I hear, “WE GOT A WHITE MALE 221! WHITE MALE 221. I NEED A SUPERVISOR IMMEDIATELY!” Which is what everyone wants to hear when they think they’re about to miss a flight. Good news was, I got to skip the rest of the line. I don’t have TSA precheck, I know. Bad news, I was about to be molested by a very nice 60 year old Indian man. I towered over him and he looked more nervous than I did. He asked me if I wanted to do my search in a private booth or in front of everyone. I had nothing to hide, let the people see. His sigh alerted me that I had made the wrong decision. Going inside my ass crack was just the tip of the iceberg. With two shaky hands, he swiped left and right on my tallywacker, moving it all around my Nike shorts. Apparently that wasn’t thorough enough because then he had to go up and down. Basically picking up and dropping my winky like ten times. So I did what I always do when I’m uncomfortable, I joked about it. I made eye contact with the man who basically had my dick in his hand and said, “I know, not very impressive right?” He laughed way too hard for my liking. 

-While waiting to board, a middle aged white southern man was trying desperately to explain to a young uninterested black couple why the need to watch Ted Lasso. “You don’t know what you’re missing! You’ll never believe who the lead guy is. That man, the main guy, from We’re The Millers! So different from his normal roles. I’m not used to seeing him like that….YOU’VE NEVER SEEN WE’RE THE MILLERS?!”

-A guy on the plane who didn’t understand the rules or just didn’t give a fuck about them. Almost right after taking off, in the middle of the ascent, plane basically perpendicular to the ground, is precisely when this guy decides is the most opurtune time to get out of his seat. The flight attendant damn near had an aneurysm over the intercom. “Please remain seated until we’ve reached the appropriate altitude to move about the cabin!” So he started waving her down like if she stood up in the isle she wouldn’t fly to the back of the plane and break her neck. “I will address any concerns or needs once the Captain gives the okay to move about the cabin!” People were NERVOUS. And then the guy settles in his seat and goes, “I need to take a fucking piss!”

-While having my last smoke break, a woman being dropped off at her terminal gets out of the car with the base bumping so loud I hear it through my head phones. She’s dressed like Michael Jackson. Looks like a million bucks. She’s yelling something so I take my airpods out. She’s singing/screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!” twerking so low that if she wasn’t leaning on her suitcase, I was confident she’d fall over. Probably wouldn’t have stopped her. The driver’s door flies open nearly missing an Uber and the driver climbs on to her Honda twerking and screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!”

-On one particular flight, a pasty white girl with tussled pink hair sat down next to me in a two seat row. As she walked down the aisle, I noticed her noticing my Ella French Chicago PD hoodie. Her eyes damn near rolled out her head. Because I’m nosy, I looked at her texting after she sat down. She told her group chat “I think I’m sitting next to fucking cop on my flight.” It was followed by some choicey words. She reconsidered to her chat when I pulled out my comic book to read. I was in her head. My sweatshirt and baldness screamed cop. My facial hair and reading material suggested otherwise. She wasn’t sure whether to hate me or not. So I made the decision for her. Holding my phone at arm length and parallel to my chest, inviting wandering eyes, I texted my buddy and said “The girl next to me on the plane smells like everything bagels.” I heard her audibly gasp. Who cares, you’re never going to see these people again. They’re basically NPCs. Slept like a baby all the way to Charlotte. 

-My flight home boarded around 10:45 p.m. back to Newark. Everyone was noticeably tired with the exception of the young family in front of me. Well, the parents didn’t look that young, but they had three boys and the oldest was maybe six. Screamed the entire flight. Took up a whole row on both sides of the aisle. The two oldest boys sat in a row with the mom and screamed at each other over various toys that they didn’t feel like sharing. Not a single shush. The parents didn’t even try to get them to quiet down. The best attempt came from the mother who suggested to her husband that he take the oldest to separate the two fighting. Which like, maybe just sit in the middle of them? Problem solved. Dad shut it down anyway because he couldn’t read a room to save his life. Then mid-flight, with all the lights off and people trying to get comfortable, this idiot whips out his iPad and takes a whole fucking photoshoot with the flash on. Hey pal, your kids have been screaming bloody murder the entire flight, maybe don’t add flash photography to the reasons of why everyone hates you. Your kids are one thing, they’re kids we get it. But you’re a grown man, act like it. Then this middle-aged angel who I was sitting next to who I was so sure was out cold goes, “Some people are trying to SLEEP!” The parents were so shook. They wanted none of that smoke. It was the perfect moment. The awkwardness hung in the air for the rest of the flight. 

Next time you need to catch a flight, look up from your phone. Take your headphones out. Sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes it’s wholesome, sometimes it’s hilarious. But it is always, always entertaining. 

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