Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Former Rams/Bears Running Back Claims NFL Is Scripted


More evidence coming in that we’re living in the Matrix. Benny Cunningham is dropping some heavy HEAVY accusations. If the NFL isn’t real, nothing is real. It’s the last pure thing in my life, you can’t take that away from me. So let’s try and figure out if ol’ Benny Boy is telling the truth. 

To argue against the NFL being rigged, we need to consider the source. According to pro football reference, Benny Cunningham only had four rushing touchdowns with seven hundred and ninety-seven rushing yards in his entire six year career. That doesn’t exactly lead to a big pay day in the NFL. The former running back has racked up contracts totaling $5,966,000. Which is roughly a $852,000 yearly average. Which is booku bucks to a pissant like myself. But after watching the “Broke” documentary, I’m not convinced this money was sustainable. 

Maybe it was, I don’t know Benny? But it surely makes that last line of the tweet questionable. “Who want the full story…” I imagine the highest bidder does. While trying to investigate Benny’s current lifestyle I found myself on his Instagram page. Only one picture of him scoring a touchdown. Thanks for all your help Benny. Not much to work off of until I noticed his bio said “Entrepreneur… MGMT - @1UniversalNetwork”. Okay so he’s management (maybe) for this 1 Universal Network, let’s see how it’s doing. The account is private, it’s tagged a clothing company, an artist development company, and a sports drink company in the bio. 1UniversalNetwork only has 315 followers. My friend’s dog has more than that, safe to assume they’re not really moving the needle. Which begs the question, is this just a cheap gimmick for a money grab?

Plus if the NFL was going to rig the league I doubt they’d have the players sign something letting them peak behind the curtain. Loose lips sink ships, and that’s asking nearly 27k men to keep a secret. 

But what if he’s telling the truth?

Whenever you’re facing something like this, it’s important to envision a reality in which all outcomes are true. 

This is a 91 billion dollar company we’re talking about here. We think they got there by being squeaky clean? Year after year the Super Bowl is America’s most watched programming bringing in around 100 million viewers. That doesn’t happen by accident. Each Super Bowl has it’s title, it’s underlying story, it’s own soap opera type drama. And Benny Cunningham isnt the first NFL player to come out and accuse the league of scripting it’s season. 

But no, it can’t be scripted. Why would they constantly let the Patriots win when the NFL hates them so much? Unless… that’s what they WANT you to think! It’s like the weapons companies that purposely start wars to sell both sides nukes. Create the drama, profit off the reaction.

I can’t allow this to be true. If there’s a script I’d need to get my hands on it. That’s unlimited money? It’d be a more impressive heist than Nic Cage taking the Declaration Of Independence. But it’s not true. Can’t be true? Unless of course, we live in a Matrix in which case everything is scripted and we’re all just following our programming. 

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