Sunday, May 2, 2021

This Kid Is Not Going Places

A soon to be 10 year old kid from Columbus, Ohio chose buffalo chicken pizza over a Nintendo Switch for his birthday. Granted, the buffalo chicken pizza is actually from Buffalo but that doesn’t excuse his terrible choice. Double digits off to a slow start. 

I wish this kid had said something like I’m an Xbox or PlayStation guy and my mom’s an idiot for offering me a Nintendo. But that isn’t the case. Nine year old Kenly, asked for both the Switch and the Buffalo buffalo pizza for his birthday and his mom told him to choose one. He chose wrong. 

Worst part is, his mom is from Buffalo. Kenly had it in the bag. Just sit back in the pocket with your new video game system and guilt her later on. A month later say you miss grandma and grandpa, now mom feels bad, brings you to Buffalo and bam now you get both. 

But he did get both. Savvy move by the pizza place he wanted to go to in Buffalo, Franco’s, for tweeting out that if they came to Buffalo they’d buy him the Nintendo Switch. National marketing for the price of a Switch. So yeah big win for Franco’s but you know who’s getting the loss? Kenly. Not only is he obviously a terrible decision maker but now he’s being taught there’s no consequences to his dumb choices. Yeah yeah I know, he’s nine. Well so was Oliver Twist.

Look I’m no stranger to sacrificing smart investments for short term pleasures, but I’m not going places either. 

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