Sunday, May 2, 2021

My Solution To The Death Penalty

The topic of capital punishment has been a controversial issue in this country for over a hundred years. Seriously, Wisconsin was the first state to permanently ban the death penalty in 1853. Most people have strong opinions on the subject one way or the other. I’ve figured out the perfect solution. Blast them into space. 

The only issue I see arising with this compromise is if said convict is successful in finding other life. Do we really want a rapist or murderer representing us in our first contact? Probably not the best first impression. Or even worse, they’re so bitter about their conviction that they lead a crusade of aliens to wipe out Earth. Plus this person would be monumental to human history and glorified in history books. There would have to be a years long vetting process to find the perfect candidate. It’d have to be a really really nice murderer. 

The pros are that no one can really be mad about the outcome of the end of this person’s life. It’s Schrödinger’s space shuttle. People pro death penalty can find comfort in knowing this is a one way ticket, suicide mission. People anti death penalty can cling on to hope that this person found redemption in finding the answers to some of civilization’s biggest questions. All the while, we the public, will be none the wiser if they’re alive or dead. 

You’re welcome Supreme Court. 

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