Sunday, March 6, 2022

South Park Still Doesn’t Give A Fuck, Does A Putin Episode

For years now we’ve debated back and forth on where the comedy line should be drawn. It’s evident in the last twenty years that the goal posts have been moved. SNL is unrecognizable, stand up comedians are pulling punches, “The Office couldn’t be made today”, we’ve all heard the arguments. Only one entity has remained a constant- South Park. 

I’ll never understand how people aren’t amazed by South Park. Their willingness and genius to create episodes in a week to keep them relevant in current event satire is astounding. Their latest victim, Vladimir Putin. 

The episode “Back To The Cold War” mirrors two battles. The troops on the ground and the establishments that back them. Expect the troops on the ground is Butters vs a little Russian kid is a dressage competition. The men behind the curtain? Mr. Mackey vs Vladimir Putin. 

It had all the makings of a classic 80’s good guy vs. bad guy movie with a very obvious Cold War backdrop. In the end, Mr. Mackey’s mother asks him if his peepee is m’kay. While addressing the media after the dressage tournament, Mr. Mackey passes along the wisdom that his mother imposed on him. That just because their dicks no longer work at this age, doesn’t mean they have to sit in their rooms and play war games again like they did as children. This seems to strike a chord in Putin as the camera cuts to him with his shirt off and he lets out a “Da” under his breath. 

World leaders are currently holding their collective breath. They’re debating on Russian sanctions, no fly zones, and what their role should be in the current wartime conflict. Meanwhile, Matt Stone and Trey Parker are publicy shaming Putin on National television blaming his aggression on no longer being able to get his cock up. Now that’s ‘Merica. 

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