Thursday, September 16, 2021

Alien Hunter Arrested For Trying To Save The World

Well our first line of defense took a big hit in Kentucky two days ago. 55 year-old Sam Riddell was arrested in his motel room after popping off a couple rounds out his window 3:30 AM. Sam informed the police that when he saw aliens in the parking lot, he decided to take action instead of standing idly by. 

That’s what Kentucky is arresting people for nowadays? A few measly shots out a motel window? If that’s the cutoff, I don’t see how the whole motel wasn’t locked up. I’d challenge you to find a single tenant in that motel who hasn’t sprayed a few out the window. At least Sam did it for an honorable reason. 

Riddell is being charged with four counts of wanton endangerment on a police officer, two counts of wanton endangerment, two counts of criminal mischief, one count of possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, and one count of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. 

Sam has to be smarter than being a convicted felon with two handguns and a semi-automatic rifle on him. But atleast he was ready for the invasion with that kind of arsenal. Unlike the female who locked herself in his bathroom for the entirety of the firefight. 

Nice to know who the government plans on siding with when the aliens come. Spineless. Sam Riddell, just the latest American hero falling victim to cancel culture in this country. Thank God nobody was hurt…this time. But who knows when those aliens are going to fear their ugly heads again.

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